Mythic+ wishes!

I’ve been getting KSM pretty consistently for a while now, but I’ve never really seen the fun side of pushing keys after getting my mount… Cus at the end of the day, why?

But this season, I wanted to challenge myself, and thought maybe I should try really pushing and try doing it as a healer, as that can be more “chaotic” making it a bit more interesting.
However, I managed to go from like 900-1000 rating to 2.2k on my disc in 1 day… Got my KSM last night, and I must say it feels a bit underwhelming… This “big” reward that feels like the equivalent to PVP’s glad mount is obtainable that fast… By all means, Im not saying they should make it so only 0.01% of players are able to get it, but putting the barrier so low imo just pushes off a lot of people, that like me previously pushes for mount, once they get it wham they are off keys now. I see posts on SoMe where people show a picture of them getting the mount with a caption like “Now thats ticked off M+ done for me”

So for me I would like to entertain the thought in wishes for changes!
What if they incentivized pushing higher than KSM? What if there were small, but cool cosmetic rewards for going beyond other than “just” the flexing rights?

We’ve seen with the new Dragon Riding mounts that customizable mounts are a thing, so what if they made the KSM mount likewise? So at 2k you got the basic mount, and at 2.5 you could get armor for the mount, at 3k you could get a new colour, at 3.5k you could get a weapon enchant or a PVE M+ armor colour variant. I feel the options are pretty much endless. Its nothing that would ruin the game, as it really doesn’t give you an advantage gameplay wise but it could be a cool way of looking back at it in X amount of seasons. Just like when you see someone riding an old gladiator mount or running around with an old PVP armor set.

For me this would at least be a “token of recognition” of the time you put into doing keys other than just increasing rating, and I could see this being a factor of M+ guilds forming, because to push those higher keys, you might want to start organizing in specific groups etc. just like raiding or RBG guilds.

M+ can be such a nice game mode, but I feel like its just lacking behind in the field of rewards.

Whats your thought? Is there another way to incentivize running higher and higher keys?

When the M+ mount was announced I was so disappointed. Everyone wanted M+ to get its own dragon-riding thing like PVP did.

I feel like M+ need more rewards than just a mount, some teleports, and gear.

Yeh the mount is a bit underwhelming, but thats something that they probably wont be able to please everyone regardless of what and how they make it.

But back before transmog etc. was a thing, seeing someone in Orgrimmar with the Ragnaros weapon or in TBC with Glaives etc. it was such a cool experience. So I really do think adding more cosmetic rewards could benefit a lot… And lets be honest, how long is it going to take them, to add flames to the mount or make a 6th recolour of the season class armor set? But it probably will look hella cool, if the reward for lets say 4k was a pink version of the mount and you saw someone riding on it in Valdrakken. Or even in next expansions, for some players to see the mount and going “Oh wow, where is that from?” looking it up and then being like “Oh damn! thats cool!”

I do think the S2 variant was pretty great tho

Yeah in general I have no “complaints” to the mount it self, because I know that will be a discussion of semantics, they can’t please everyone. Some might want a DR mount, some might want an entirely new model to “stand out” from PVP etc.

I just feel like the PVP equivalent (The gladiator mount), feels way harder to get, and even there, your rewards are more than 1, if you just stick to >1000CR you can earn your way towards the seasonal PVP mount, then getting 1200, 1400, 1600 and 1800 rewards you with pieces of the elite PVP recolour set, then at 2100 you get a weapon enchant, and 2400 of course (in 3s) gives you a mount… M+ just gets a mount for reaching 2k rating, which lets be honest feels more like the >1000 pvp rating mount

They have. You get KSH at 2.5k and dungeon teleports when you time them at +20.

You also get myth track gear in the vault for completing +18 and above keys.

There’s another thread on this forum at the moment complaining that M+ rewards are no longer capped at +15.

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I see!
But if you look at the ladders atm, SO many people are waaaay beyond 2.5k rating already and the season just started… And from next season the dungeon teleports will be useless no?
Im not saying its not cool, I’m just trying to push it to be a “start”. I wish they would add something more tangable, something to “show off” for reaching higher ratings, ratings that many may not even get to reach, just something that would make it cool to spot in the world when people are using it.

For me the option of adding cosmetic rewards for blizz shouldn’t be the “hardest” thing, but we’ve seen countless of times how fun and rewarding people find them. The mage tower as an example, people went crazy for them, even though its “just” a reskin of a weapon… People even “complained” so hard that they were taking them away the second time, that the Mage tower is now open all the time if Im not mistaken… So why not take advantage? Push your players with a carrot at the end, be like "Hey if you can reach 5k rating you get this cosmetic class weapon. That gives the player no “advantage” gameplay wise as it is a cosmetic, but I truly do believe people would then play M+ more, and try to form organized groups, guilds, communities to try and push higher

I guess I’m not your target market. It doesn’t make any sense to me that people want an incentive to do something that they don’t enjoy doing enough that they would do it without an incentive.

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I don’t think anyone specific is. You will always find outliers to everything, but at the end, trying to center the game around more incentives will attract more people, which will benefit us all no?
As you said, you will probably push higher keys regardless, so adding more rewards or not, will not affect whether you will run keys or not, but adding them might get more people to push higher than 2k or even 2.5k, and a bigger playerbase around the game mode will affect us all on a larger scale.

I think there is very little things in the world anyone would do without an incentive. And I’m almost certain that you have an incentive for doing keys as well, whether it be the social aspect, the gear, learning your class whatever. But at the end you will hit a plateau as well. It might not be before 3k rating, it might not before having done BRH for the 100th time, but if you really enjoyed M+ for what it was with no incentive you wouldn’t even want a new season, which I doubt.

So we all have our wishes, and I do believe tangable rewards are a benefit and wish for a lot of people (again looking at stuff like elite PVP sets, mage tower, challenge mode gear etc.)

Actually, you might want to read my past comments on that :slight_smile:
I do like the dungeon pool changing from time to time because there comes a point when there aren’t enough capable people playing to progress any further with the current ones, but I would happily spend a LOT longer on each season and dungeon pool than we do now.

My ‘incentive’, if you want to call it that, is to be a better player than I was yesterday. I have zero interest in cosmetics and mounts (I don’t even know what this season’s KSM mount is), and my only interest in the dungeon teleports is convenience. I use score, and my highest timed keys for each dungeon, as a way of measuring my progress. (It isn’t a perfect guide because the entire group matters, but it’s the best we have.)

Past comments here? :slight_smile: Sorry if I missed any!
But then again, your “incentive” is your rating, if they scrapped it and there was no tracking of your progress you might not want to go that far as you have been.
My point is, we all have different things that drive us, motivate us and keep us playing, some people are motivated to keep pushing to be the absolute best and highest ranked. And you will always find people that are content with the lowest of efforts, I’ve seen some people only enjoying doing world quests and running around exploring.

So again, I’m not debating whether the current rewards are good or not, that we will never be able to agree on (the wow player base that is), but I would really see them add more, as the “fix” seems so easy.

You mention it yourself “There aren’t enough capable people playing”, if that extra re-skin of the KSM mount for lets say 4k rating, was introduced, that might benefit the outliers (You) who is incentivized enough solely on personal rating and progress, because suddenly you will probably have more people being drawn into M+ trying to get better to reach that 4k rating.

So by all means, I like the rating, I like the mount, I would just invite Blizzard to add small carrots for higher ratings, as I believe this would benefit the game mode all in all :smiley:

Less than 20%

I do love seeing the stats, always interesting. I think as a playerbase we expect everyone to be doing the same things or be at the same level and frequently we’re not, we just live in our own little bubbles.

With M+ in particular the people applying to keys are most likely going to be similar score ranges. Just like with raids you expect people to have similar experience when applying to groups.


Yes. They should add more rewards after 20+. I know many people that would “push” higher keys if they had some reward after 20.

If adding cosmetics, titles, achievements would incentivize more people to play, then its a win-win right there.

And it does not have to be mega special stuff. Just get the PvP set, recolor it and give it to people when they reach 2.9-3k rating. Then give end of season rewards to top 0.1%, 1%, 5%, and 10% of players.

And ideally, give it to top SPECS. To disincentivize the FOTM re-rollers.

I understand your wish to have more rewards to push higher, but it creates wrong motivation. So you would like to “push” people to do content with rewards, not with interesting gameplay itself. It will create lot of frustration for players, who collecting stuff, but don’t really enjoy the mode. Which brings more toxicity, when people play the mode which they don’t really want to play and want to just be done with it as a chore. And more boosting also will emerge. I believe healthy game should attract players with interesting gameplay in the first place, not with carrot in front of players face.

So in my opinion current situation is almost optimal. The average player is quite capable of getting the mount with avarage effort, just by finishing all 17. Mythic raiders can comfortably farm 18-20 keys for gear. And enthusiasts, who really enjoy M+, can push scores indefinitily for pure challenge and 0.1% title.

from m+ you can get

2 x titles
shoulder and helm enchants
1 x piece heroic gear
endless gear and currency

If you want more you are playing the wrong game it gives more than enough already. The reward for pushing high keys is actually doing them in time.

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I agree with this.

I think it’s such a small portion that can really push and they can aim for the title which is truly for the hardcore, usually also for a meta comp.

I like where the rewards are at personally.

Other than my own personal goal, which is generally just to beat my previous season score slightly, I’m feeling pretty good that I can just do weekly keys for vault. As the season progresses I need less of those too.

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I would say 18% is a lot given how far we are into the season.
We are what, 3-4 weeks into the season and almsot 1/5 M+ players have achieved the highest reward of the season. That I would say falls into “SO many people” :slight_smile:

But thanks for stats! Interesting to see!

If KSM mounts are ugly like this they can even reward them for lower rio :smiley:
like 1000 or something like that cause since it was introduced in BFA at the end i never saw good looking KSM mount and i have them all expect s4 Shadowlands

I don’t know how to respond to multiple people, as the forums only allows me to type one response at a time, im sure Im just doing it wrong :smiley:

But, why does it create a “wrong motivation” ? If the argument is, that some people will be frustrated so we shouldn’t add it that just means the game should be centered around participation trophies and beyond that, it should only be the poeple who enjoy the game mode for nothing else. That imo is wrong, we all have motivation to play, why should your motivation of a non-tangable reward (the score) be the “correct” motivation but wrong when it becomes something tangable?

We already have boosting groups in high fashion, look at trade chat… So I don’t quiet see how this is an argument for not doing it?
And your point of toxicity, that will always be there. You can see by Uda’s comment that just in this thread I am not the only one, I enjoy the game mode, but I don’t see a reason playing with pugs, trying to get through a key where people just leave after 1 wipe over and over, to push rating when I get nothing in return…

Yes in an optimal world, the game mode itself should be enough, but we are not in a perfect world. We are in a world where we’ve seen multiple times, that cosmetic rewards do bring people in. And again, I do believe the game mode would strive further, and communities/guilds being made around the game mode more IF there was rewards to aim for at higher levels, because this would “force” people to try and find a stable group to push with, just like people do with 3v3 for Gladiator mount and Mythic Raiding.
We literally already have the “Top % reward” for 2 out of the 3 game modes, and as you say “The average player is quite capable of getting the mount with average effort”, why is it when its M+ we just go “Nah… No reason to give rewards for top players, they should do it because they want to!” but in PVP and Raiding we do give those rewards?

So again, I get your point, but it falls to the ground when M+ is really the only game mode where “People should do it because they want to”

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