Mythic's are so toxic

So i have met 1 toxic guy in 100 yet i do not go here say 99 runs are pretty etc stop making based on so little everyone is toxic etc if you think it happends too often i feel you are issue.

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It really depends on how u advertise your key. If u put in the discription that it is for weekly and you Just wanna finish it it would be a d move to leave. But if u wanna push it and not waste time it is only normal to leave when the key is dead.

I have left m+ like 4 times since m+ had been released once in Legion and 3 times in bfa. Last week was my most recent 1 i got a kr 15 didn’t really wanna do IT but thought a well Lets try it.

So i Listed with discription going for timer, found 4 victims and we started. Before the first Boss we already wiped twice on tyranical week so i knew we wouldn’t make it and left to wait for the next week.


There are so many people who are negative when it comes to content like Raiding or Mythic+ that it causes for unnecessary friction in runs or people just randomly leaving to spite the others, however I’ve been in runs where the same person has made the same mistake over and over even after realising or being told what they’ve done in an attempt to help them get past “x” mechanic and it can become frustrating. There is an expectation from some people that the others in the party/raid will play to perfection or to a robotic standard, its not difficult or unreasonable to expect that runs may not go 100% and in many Mythic+ runs you can have a couple of wipes or several deaths and still make the key in time.

I agree that something has to change but that something is the player attitude towards each other in game. A lot of people are trying to be part of a gaming elite who can complete high level content with ease, the reality is that a lot of people don’t take high level content as seriously or are more relaxed about it and that is where the drama starts because of the different mindsets to gaming. Also the amount of people listing “chill” runs for Mythic+ or Raiding that ends up in drama due to small mistakes is so high that they should just ban the word “chill” in Raid/Mythic+ descriptions.

People like you unfortunately are getting rarer to come by, giving small bits of advice should always be appreciated even if the advice doesn’t get used. MMORPGS should bring more people together to help each other out but modern gaming mindsets ruin this as people are only interested in their own progression. Its also nice that they appreciated the advice that you gave them. I’ve tried giving advice before but it always comes with mixed results and it was never advice on what people should choose for their characters.

Also, what some people see as giving advice is actually an attempt to dictate how others play the game which then impacts on the fun aspect of why a person would play this or any other game. For example people are always telling others that their character choices makes them a bad player, I’d rather be considered a bad player and have fun then worry about what others think about me and my characters. For example, if a Hunter wants to play with the Animal Companion or Dire Beast talents rather than Killer Instinct then they should be left to do so, however many people will be told to go killer instinct because it sims and is theorycrafted to be the best choice.

I’ve been in Atal’Dazar on 2 different runs on 2 different characters with each group containing a Hunter, on both occasions they got fixated and munched by Rezan when he used his Pursuit ability. After both fights I advised each Hunter that Feign Death can stop Pursuit if they’re targeted. The first person somehow got offended by this and demanded that I apologised for being elitist (advice is now elitism apparently) and started being insulting which resulted in the healer leaving, the second person actually thanked me and said that they didn’t know they could do that and the run continued on smoothly. These are 2 different results from giving the exact same piece of advice, some people are just so used to bad people that they assume almost everything is an attack.

Giving advices left and right i am toxic elitist by these baddies offended instantly like their purpose here was waiting for it nothing else waiting for advice so they can start being offended baddie again.

And in English?

I’m not sure I got the gist of that one either.


I’m afraid to paraphrase my previous answers; you are always better off joining a community or guild and playing with people you know.

The time invested in that will save you time and grief playing with randoms.

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Most times if someone gives someone advice what to do and why they get called elitist toxic … all sorts of name or offended like you would hurt them/attacked them etc for some reason like all they do and wait is to response and call someone by names after they get called out /someone said them what they do wrong.

When you join someones key, if you don’t want to deal with people getting angry don’t join ‘‘Push’’ groups, there are always 2-3 people at all times advertising ‘‘chill runs’’, those people usually just care to finish the key at all, join those, dont deal with the asshats

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Others have said it all already.

The only thing of any worth I would like to add to this thread is to perhaps use a few more full stops and comma’s, and the odd paragraph here and there really would help reading to.

I am not lying when I say my eyes were beginning to go fuzzy and my head hurt reading your post.

Pugs exist since vanilla as do toxic ppl, the realm i was on back then looked like there were more toxic than friendly ppl.

As for the topic, how can Blizzard know for sure ppl left by choice rather than by any other reason such as dc’s?

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