Hi all!
I hope you’ve all had a good time over the holidays. I am here once again to talk a bit about my passion project, the Meridian Edict – at surface level an adventure guild, and more in depth a band of people who get in way over their heads in unexpectedly dangerous situations! We somehow always survive them, it’s still a mystery to me how they pull through, just don’t ask them about the consequences of it.
This project is both a roleplaying guild & a community, and we are open to having more aboard! So please, have a read, and I hope this will be of interest to you if you are someone who is looking for an adventure guild that doubles as a safe space community for people looking to have a good time together.
I will say this pre-emptively to save you time, in case this is not your thing: broadly speaking, this is a community that is primarily catered to queer people, furries (we’re led by Vulpera, what did you expect?), ND people, etc., so if you cannot comfortably share a space with the aforementioned, this is not a guild that will suit your preferences.
Anyway! If you’re still reading, let’s go a bit deeper into what this guild really is like. I apologise in advance for the sheer verbosity that will ensue. It’s better to make things clear than not, though.
So, what’s the deal with the Edict?
OOC Overview
I started the Meridian Edict out of a strong desire to form a high-standard, high-quality community for roleplay on Argent Dawn, but not from an elitist angle. I think I am not alone in feeling that Argent Dawn can sometimes be a bit of a minefield in terms of the outlooks and attitudes of some of the pockets of the realm (which, come on, it’s 2025, your character has no excuse to be homophobic, or you for that matter.)
We are a roleplaying guild, but we are also a community of likeminded people who enjoy doing things together, both in roleplay and sometimes just as a group of friends. It’s therefore a high priority for me to create both a healthy & creative environment for roleplay, and a vibrant community that is properly moderated and carefully constructed with people who are looking for the same harmonic length and therefore share this vision.
IC Overview
The Meridian Edict is an adventure & research guild founded and led by a few ambitious Vulpera looking to make the world a better place. Although, oftentimes it is not quite as straightforward as that – we have an unfortunate predilection to fall into very complex and dangerous situations that require a lot of cooperation and teamwork to pull through them! Things may get dire often, but our spirit of unity, determination and perseverance may see us through these situations more often than not.
The guild’s campaigns are designed with a lot of story & lore in mind, and I do take a few creative liberties to expand upon lore that Blizzard hasn’t expanded upon – granted, fully within the boundaries of World of Warcraft lore. I never engage in lorebreaking and do not permit it, either, but I do engage in ‘lorebending’, entirely to reasonable extents, to maximise fun and the potential for a good and engaging story. This means I am also often more tolerant of more fringe or niche character concepts - provided they fit in the same bracket as my own and the guild’s standard. I am aware this is not everyone’s preferred style, and it’s totally fine if it’s not your thing.
As an example, our most recent campaign that has recently come to a close, the Flame of Erantex, was about a small island of pyromancers & sorcerers who had fallen into civil conflict following the unlawful return of their last monarch which they had exiled and imprisoned, and the Meridian Edict was dragged into this conflict & had to carefully navigate their way, politically, diplomatically, and strategically.
The next campaign will take place in Drustvar, and will deal with finding a means to stop an ancient, possibly Thros-adjacent artefact from re-awakening, which is also infamous for inflicting terrible illnesses upon its victims and claiming their souls to a foreign realm that serves as its own ‘afterlife.’ There is also a wider, overarching plot over all of this, but… spoilers!
I need to emphasise that we are not a military guild, nor mercenary, and civilian types of characters are also welcome to join.
What does roleplay look like in the Edict?
We are quite an active community with regular social roleplay, as well as weekly events to progress the storyline. I am a DM who heavily encourages active participation in the ongoing storyline, and my style is to move the storyline forward in line with the choices made by the participants – effectively, I want the players to steer the outcome to things. In other words, from a storytelling perspective, I have no scripts or predetermined outcomes, and it’s all in the hands of the participants and how they navigate the misfortunes I’ve plunged them in.
I like to follow a rule of cool most of the time as opposed to more traditional, numerical systems. That is to say, I like to reward creativity and thinking over correctly strategising with a set of numbers and stats, and our combat & action system during events is therefore generally & predominantly freestyle, with a few typical D&D elements such as insight, perception, difficulty, and misfortune rolls.
Effectively, most of it is an honour system with the occasional chance of things going slightly awry thanks to the cruelty of the RNG gods.
The Meridian Edict, on an IC level, behaves strongly akin to a found family – which is also meant to be in line with the culture of Vulperan Caravans; we are led by Vulpera, after all.
We also feature a travelling mercantile branch which your character can be a part of, if they are more interested in craftsmanship!
Code of Conduct & Important Information
In the interest of fostering harmony and a safe space, as well as of creating strong & lasting community bonds, I am stringent with a few aspects of the guild and therefore discourage behaviours and attitudes that will be a threat to the functioning of the guild and erode at the ideals that I set for it. As such, the following constitutes an overview of my code of conduct:
- Hate speech or symbols associated with hate groups, including real life and of the internet i.e. memes, and generally anything that promotes bigotry, fascism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, and apologia of any of the above, are strictly forbidden and you will probably be kicked over it. This generally also extends to forms of ironic humour & jokes on the back thereof due to the sensitive nature of the subjects.
- We must all respect each others’ existence. This means I expect you to be respectful of this guild members’ identity, pronouns, experiences, and so on. This does mean that even something like joke pronouns for your character could means this guild is likely not going to be a good fit for you.
- In good conscience, I cannot accept character concepts which are heavily sexualised or catered for ERP purposes. I am not being a purist in this, I simply would like a standard of common decency within the guild where our conduct is concerned, both IC and OOC, regarding the aforementioned. So, don’t come here with the sole intention to seduce & hit on people. That being said, character romance and romance RP is allowed.
- Having AI art for your character is heavily discouraged due to the harmful environmental effects of image-generative AI, and its ethical considerations in general. Support local artists!
Additionally, as this guild’s membership constitutes primarily of niche leftist groups (queer people, furries, et al.), this is probably not the guild for you if you cannot comfortably share a space with any of the above. We do discuss a lot about these subjects, so it’s in my interest to specify this now.
Still interested? Great! In that case…
… you can reach out to us officers about questions and scheduling interviews, or simply writing here in the thread! We will reach back to you.
We can be contacted on:
Discord: GM - kennec_ , Officers - kariota, luckygriffin
BattleNet: GM - Ken#23262, Officers - Kariota#2481, LuckyGriffin#2932
Directly in-game at: (Horde) Raphai, Korrei, Fenji, Tephri, Isthareth | Dharrach, Ksar, Vilinyar; (Alliance) Flintmane, Saltclaw | Daerron, Takado | Rhaethas, Goldfrost, Upyr.
FAQ Time!
What level of experience do I need?
Any level of experience is okay! We are ourselves experienced roleplayers and our guild is friendly to beginners & we’ll make sure to help you out if you’re just starting out with RP. The right attitude, to us, matters far more than the level of expertise with RP.
Are there any exceptions for accepted races?
The only exceptions are particularly powerful & exotic non-playable races (such as Dragons (but not Dracthyr, they are also accepted, of course!), Liches, Elementals, and so on). We generally consider everyone who is interested, provided they share our vision and are willing to conform to our ideals.
What about classes such as Demon Hunters or Death Knights? Can they join?
Yes. What matters a lot to us is -how- a character uses their power. If they use it to alleviate suffering, to do good in the world or in otherwise-positive & constructive ways, then there may be a place for them, too. The only exception would be particularly powerful characters, due to balancing reasons.
What do you NOT accept?
We do not accept particularly powerful & exotic characters, evil-aligned characters, sexualised/ERP-driven characters, characters who are ICly homophobic, racist, or particularly hateful or discriminatory towards other races for any reason.
We also do not and will never accept anyone who OOCly subscribes to hateful ideas and beliefs, as listed in the code of conduct. If you do not meet all of the aforementioned requirements in there, then this guild is probably not for you.
From a character design perspective, we -do- allow creative liberties, so a degree of lore-bending (to mean, something which may be, for example, a more creative/unique design that can nonetheless be explained with the existing lore) is generally acceptable, but lore-breaking is definitely not.
Can loyalists to the factions join the guild?
Unfortunately, no, as we are a neutral guild and we therefore cannot accept members who are staunch supporters of either the Alliance or the Horde.
How is activity planned?
We generally have a main event per week, along with any other social RP that might happen in between (and also seasonal activities)! We also feature occasional roleplay with the aforementioned travelling shop.
What kinds of themes can I expect?
Our themes essentially revolve around mystery, intrigue, research, and of course, exploration! We will travel a lot through Azeroth’s corners, be it to retrieve a lost artefact from the hands of malicious users, document a small uncharted island, or establish a new connection with some locals! Anything goes, in the spirit of a travelling group of adventurers, and the nature of a plot or campaign will ideally be decided likewise through feedback from our members about their preferences and wishes.
Ultimately, a major goal of this is also to facilitate interpersonal & individual character development – as would naturally happen in a team!
It’s worth keeping in mind that even though the Meridian Edict presents itself as a relatively standard exploration guild at surface level, we really do tend to get into very dangerous and complex situations. But, that’s part of the fun for us: how will a group of adventurers manage to find their way out this time out of a given situation?
Does the guild have an IC headquarters?
We do! We use a building in Thaldraszus called **The Spire** as our permanent quarters to serve as a meeting & resting point in between expeditions, and we also feature a few IC outposts scattered throughout the world.
Do you have any specific time investment requirements?
We do not, everyone has lives and things to attend to, after all! What I ask, however, is that if you do decide to join the guild, it is because you do wish to try be part of the community with us!
What system are you using for things like combat and so on?
We are currently using a mainly-freestyle combat system, as we want to reward creative freedom when it comes to the actions players take during events. We do feature a dice-rolling system which is used for things such as perception checks, skill checks or (mis)fortune rolls, where applicable. The roll system is also sometimes used for other miscellaneous purposes.
We also make very extensive use of the TRP3:Extended system, and it is generally required that you have it installed alongside TRP3.
How do you go about recruitment?
The current process is that, once we get into contact and everything's all good, I will first arrange a preliminary IC meeting for you to get a better idea of our vibe and see if you feel like you do have chemistry with our group.
Following at least one interaction like this, we will move on to interview stage, where you will get to meet with the IC leadership and discuss your character’s role and position within the Edict!
If you’re successful, you will be given a sigil of membership ICly, then invited to the guild & to our Discord server OOCly. And that’s about it.
Phew, that was a lot. If you read through all this, I appreciate your time! I hope you find my project of interest and I hope to see you around!