[N-RP] Assembly of Dusk – A Gathering of the Void (11/03)

Just to be clear, the nelfposter is in the wrong here. As Sarvaad said earlier, if the people in the meeting dont know about them being a villain IC, then its up to your character to convince them about it and/or take action. And any consequences that may follow it.

And for whatever it is worth, conflict and / or disruptions are completely OK in these events, as far as I am aware. The assembly’s I have been part of have had no trouble with my tauren stirring trouble with some in the meeting (you know who you are), to the point my character was asked to stop smoking his pipe because it started to annoy some of the guests lol.

I unfortunately missed the assembly this time, hoping to make it to the next one!


Ringing my phone so the assassins don’t miss the vitals next time


Vasaar prior to this assembly


Y’all are trying to bandwagon demons are not suspicious and there’re consequences for people trying to attack them? At this point I believe I could say “water is liquid” and y’all would try to film yourselves eat ice cubes just to prove a point because I am the one who said it LOL.

Y’all so funny, thank you for the laugh, love u all :smiling_face_with_tear:.

Suspicious as they already said, yes, but not all demons are going to be evil or attack.

Oh, for sure there are.

Alas, the company the meeting often keeps is all but your typical stormwind citizen that hates or dislikes or fears demons. In many cases, those attending the event use powers and forces equally questionable, if not worse.

The problem is that this meeting quite often has a lot of assasins, shadow and/or fel casters and other dubious folk attending it. Whether they use their powers for good or bad is irrelevant, they just blend in very well.

If this meeting took place in the cathedral with just paladins and priests or a druid circle, you’d have an argument but you’re trying to preach to the wrong crowd here.

Why is it always nelfposters?

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(can you please stop taking shots at people, atahalni, I asked people to drop it)

An unusual Assembly happened last night as it ended with an assassination attempt on the host, Vasaar. The Shadowguard intended to send a message to those of the Assembly. What happened on Eredath earlier in the year was clearly not forgotten by them.

There are TWO announcements this time, starting with the next Assembly (it takes place on a Wednesday this time so we don’t crowd the holiday period).

The Twelfth Assembly of Dusk

When? Wednesday, 18th of December @ 8:00 PM (Realm Time)
Where? Temple of Wisdom, Storm Peaks.


Vasaar Duskfield invites any with vested interests in the Void to a gathering of like-minded in Northrend. There will be a follow-up on the assassination attempt on the host’s life.

A new Assembly mini-campaign is coming in January, titled “Shadows in the Jungle”! Please stay tuned for more updates on a separate thread.


A gentle reminder that…

The next Assembly is this coming Wednesday! It’ll be a good one!

We now have a thread as well for the campaign, you can find it here.


Hear ye, hear ye! The next date for the Assembly is known, please scroll down for more information.

With the new year, there will be a change as well going forward. Rather than the Assemblies happening every month, this will now be changed to every TWO months. The reasoning for this is quite simple: it’s a considerable time investment and this will also allow me to choose the dates with some more flexibility.

Thanks to everyone who’s shown up to the Assembly this past year and let’s carry over the momentum into the next! More stories to share and more collaborations to come!

The Thirteenth Assembly of Dusk

When? Wednesday, 22nd of January @ 8:00 PM (Realm Time)
Where? Temple of Wisdom, Storm Peaks.


Vasaar Duskfield invites any with vested interests in the Void to a gathering of like-minded in Northrend. The Assembly will discuss the recent events regarding the Shadowguard as well as any other topics that may come up.


With the campaign concluded, we focus on the Assembly that takes place next week Wednesday!

See you there…


The Fourteenth Assembly of Dusk

When? Tuesday, 11th of March @ 8:00 PM (Realm Time)
Where? Lower City, Shattrath


Vasaar Duskfield invites any with vested interests in the Void to a gathering of like-minded in Shattrath. Following the potential risk of retaliation at the hands of the Shadowguard, a deal has been struck and the Assembly is allowed to hold their meetings in Shattrath City for the foreseeable future.

If you wish to raise a topic in advance, do not hesitate to reach out to me!


Just a reminder that the next Assembly is in two weeks! Note it down. :writing_hand:

Two more days! And a little disclaimer for then…

Please keep in mind we’re not going to tackle the conclusion of the Liberation of Undermine raid for this Assembly, as not everyone will have had the time to do so. Anything from the first week of the patch being out is fine, however!


Now with a map for clearer instructions WHERE it will be held!

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