(N-RP) Calana's Fun with Alchemy


I took a few screenshots, if anyone has picture posting privileges…

(I’m in the MoongladeRP discord, with ‘alts’ in my screen name:)

(Also, the participants’ … orientations(? or just openmindedness?) made Ethan’s potion demonstration much less embarrassing than I thought it would be :blush: Thanks, you rock!)


Damm, I knew I forgot something! :smile:
I can’t post them, but can you send them to me?

Also, I’m glad you showed us Transmorphic tincture. I wanted to craft it myself but then I hate fishing… :smile:


I shall see if i can work some Magic if you guys wish.
Which reminds me, i still need to get myself sorted out on discord, see if i can flag down one of the Admins.


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