[N-RP Event] Remil'Hubi Bazaar - Vulpera market

Well hello there Argent Dawn ! It’s us, your favourite Vulperas, and we are coming over with an event to ravish all of you for one single evening of fun !
Do you remember the times when markets held by Vulpera caravans were more common ? When our furry mercantilism had just reached those shores ? I do, and we want to revive those traditions of hangout evenings where everyone could partake in food, game, and trades !

This is why, for the occasion of Love is in the Air, we open to the whole of Azeroth the doors (or more tent flaps !) of the Remil’Hubi Bazaar !

What means Remil’Hubi ?

Loosely using the two Arabic words “Ramil” for “sand”, and “Habun” for “love”, you may translate it as “Bazaar of the Love Sands”.

Where is the bazaar happening ?

In the Port of Zem’lan.
With the latest revelations of Exploring Azeroth settling that the Vulperas are reclaiming the port to have a maritime access in Vol’dun, and that their trading efforts have flourished at the Scorching Sands outpost, no better place to have ourselves a truly Vulpera mindset !

Since the port is overrun with NPCs in game, we shall be using Mar’at in Uldum as a visual stand-in. In the Cataclysm phase of course, we don’t want any eyes sprouting out on attendants, I might get blamed for it !

When is the Bazaar happening ?

The Bazaar will be held on the 15th of February 2025

Who can participate ?

Anyone ! Alliance, Horde, neutrals, three murlocs in a trenchcoat (You can jump in the port to refresh your slime coating), anyone is free to come.
just be nice to one another regardless of affiliations, else the security team will make sure you’re tossed in ropes onto the next boat to leave port, destination your home !

What makes that a specifically Vulpera-oriented market ?

Well it’s organized by us, the Dust Scavengers, a Vulpera caravan. So that’s one big point.
It is held in Vol’dun, so another point !
It’s a bazaar, a mercantile free-for-all, yet another one !

Oh, also, there is one important rule of Vulpera trading !
-Everything- can be bartered for ! While trades in coins are appreciated, we ask all our merchants to accept alternative trades of items to pay for their wares.
Think the haggling is going wrong and nobody wants to settle on equal values ? Call the experts ! The Dust Scavengers will be roaming the market to check on it and serve as arbiters !

What is happening ?

That’s the thing, YOU make it happen ! I mean, in the strictest sense, considering an event lives by its attending players.
Do you want to sell your stuff ? Set yourself somewhere and unpack !
Wanna hold fun games for money ? Open shop and cry that you’re ready to entertain !
Playing music ? Let it ring !

Of course, we have a bit of structure and some specific milestones of the evening, bigger events to mark time passing. The schedule is as follow :
20:00/8pm : Opening of the Bazaar, with a welcoming speech
As soon as the speech is over : Sign-ups for the hyena race - Start of the Glyph-keeper Quiz
21:00/9pm : Bidding war - Auction your stuff !
22:00/10pm : Start of the hyena race
23:00/11pm : Announcement of the results, and closing ceremony with fireworks, lanterns, and any lovely items of your choice !
23:30/11:30pm : “Official” closing, feel free to continue hanging out though !

What is the Glyph-Keeper’s Quiz ?

Ah, interested in my own little pet project ? Simple, me and my fellow Glow Tails (We’re the brains of the caravan) will ask you one philosophical question about Azeroth, its mysteries, its history, that is up to interpretation. Your answer will be well heard, discussed between us, and the three answers we consider the most well-thought will receive prizes !
It’s to show your smarts !

Can I participate in the auction ?

Absolutely ! All you’ll need is contact me ahead of time with a description, your expected price, anything you deem good, and then you’ll be allowed to come onto the scene with us auctioneers to hype up your prize !

Can I get a special shout-out for my stall or activity ?

Absolutely ! Same as before, you just need to poke me ahead of time with the name of your stall, the gist of it, and you’ll be featured ! It’s not necessary to participate, but who doesn’t love the spotlight !

- List of featured bazaar goers : -

Sip Happens
Being sandy doesn’t mean you can’t be fancy ! Come taste the selection of our resident wine expert, carefully chosen from each continent of Azeroth and beyond !
Like the bottle ? Buy the bottle !

Trash and Treasure
Want a trip to the heart of Vulpera scavenging culture ? Come right under this colourful tent ! Bone and driftwood come alive in the agile paws of your crafters to display the trinket treasures of Vol’dun !

Gems and Tidbits
You are born beautiful, but don’t you ever wish to have just this edge to be even more ? Come around our stall to peruse paw-picked gems and bijous from an expert jewelcrafter ! From bracelets and rings to proper bodily piercings, there is all to make you shine !

That is all there is to know, I think, though my little FAQ can be furbished with the questions you may ask under this post !

Thank you for reading until now ! And I hope to see you all very soon !
If you need to contact me, I am plenty easy to find on every big Discord of AD ! And if you still can’t find me, poke me on my Discord !

Contact and links

Eskerian (Discord)
Link for the event on Argent Archives : https ://www.argentarchives.org/node/276386


No, man. Stop that.


Looking forward to this!


I’ve been belatedly pinged back to this and, to my dismay, seen that absolutely nothing about the initial post has changed. So while this responsibility should have 100% been on you, I’ve gone and consulted someone who actually speaks Arabic. Your Remil’Hubi means “my love’s sand” and in the context you use it in is incorrect at best and gibberish at worst. If you want to get something close to what you’re dreaming up, use Bazaar Remaal Al-hub so you get “Bazaar of the Sands of Love” in a way that makes sense

Stop treating actual languages with so little respect. This is people’s culture you’re bastardizing

Shoutout to Nice Gobbert for the translations


Why do Uldumite RP’ers and their off-shoots just INSIST on being weird about Middle Eastern cultures?

I know you couldn’t call it the “yiip yip yap yap fest” because the vulpera language is an actual joke… But seriously? Aren’t we as a community, better than this?


It’s not worth engaging with this guild in any real capacity. They were, for lack of a better term, essentially exiled from the Dalaran community for housing and defending a weirdo sex pest and yet despite that they’ll still show up to the markets as if nothing happened. If they’re willing to do that, then of course they’re not willing to backpedal on their weird insistence on using Arabic.


Why would you even give your event a quasi-Arabic name when Vol’dun and the Vulpera in general have 0 signs of any Arabic naming convention and theme beyond being located in a desert?

Feels like someone doesn’t know Vulpera/Voldunai lore that well.


I don’t know a single guild with more sex-pest allegations than them. It’s actually incredible how basically every non-Keti Vulpera scandal traces back to them.


Because it sounds fancy and :sparkles:exotic :sparkles:

That’s it. That’s where the thought process starts and ends as they open up google translate.


Gods. I wish we learned the concept of not feeding the Trolls, yet here we are, pushing this thread to the top just to get our fix of gotcha- and look-how-smart-and-grown-up-I-am replies.

This whole thing could’ve died a quiet dead, now here we are. :weary:

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Honestly it’s just kicking them for yet another goof.

Also, isn’t it a bit hypocritical to then also reply yourself? :wink: (I kid, I get your point.)

Edit: Also anyone who goes to events hosted by these people are either kinda gross, purposefully ignorant, or so new to the realm that they don’t know the deep lore, it might be worth reminding people here and there.


Two weeks to go before the Bazaar is held ! The last details of our offer are being tied together and perfected in this last period.

Plenty of spots remain for you to sell your wares and celebrate unity upon Azeroth ! Which is all a quip because we do not put a limit on our merchants !
We got a handful who asked for the specific feature, it only takes you to fill this list even further !

We’re very antsy and excited to bring you this evening, and sharing Vulpera culture with the server as a whole !
And we hope to see you there !

Since this is bumped anyway - I see the feedback of “No, real language and it doesn’t work that way, what the hell are you doing?” has been… uh, entirely ignored? Nice :roll_eyes:

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No thanks, I’d rather not partake in the bastardisation of Arab culture.

Inspiration is fine, but like people have already stated above you seem to fail to understand that what you’re doing is really just disrespecting the source material, if you can refer to an entire culture as such.

Willful ignorance is stinky. Don’t be stinky.


They’re as willfully ignorant now, on this topic, as they were on a certain Vixen enjoying drawn CP.
I’ve largely said all I wanted to say about this guild in the past, either when I’ve made my own thread(s?) or when the topic has turned to them but it is just frustrating. You have these people claiming to be this wholesome representation of an over-hated Warcraft race when in actuality the facade is incredibly thin and it only takes a single google search of guild members’ names for it to all but shatter entirely.
It saddens me to see people who don’t know any better interacting with this guild in Dawn’s Blossom, and it saddens me to know they might rope in new or less well-versed players into their Google-translated market.

Also one of their officers (or even the founding member?) has now branched off to form a guild called, I kid you not, the Jade Syndicate. I wish I was kidding, but sadly this stuff writes itself.

still has not even attempted to acknowledge the criticism lol

They’ll read my post any day now


any day now…

Probably best not to bump their thread for them and give them attention they don’t deserve.


True, but also the name defo needs changing.

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