[N-RP] first sermons of first times

a note written in starlight ink is posted and reads as such:

all who read this are hearby welcome to join the sermon that will be held by Uda,on the 17th of june at 8:00 in shattarath city near Ad’al.
the sermon will be about the beginning of this world, and our purpose in it. all are welcome to watch and ask,and all who are intrested may join us.

hope to see you there,

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I’ll try to make it!

Delightful initiative, Uda. Unfortunately, due to a real life druid meeting I will not be able to attend, but I wish you all an insightful event.

Reminder: event is tonight.

sorry,I may be late,the event will be today

In name of Uda, the event is postponed.

It will be hold tomorrow, thursday 18th june, same time, same place.

today,I hope to see you all

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