[N-RP] Fisherman's Friend(s)

I’ve been slowly, part-time thinking about initiating an addition to the wonderful, social, relaxed faction neutral RP events we have going here in the Sha’glade Cartel…

The thing/theme that got stuck in my mind, was fishing

  • On the first Friday of the month,

  • I hope to gather fishing-interested members of

  • both the Horde and the Alliance,

  • in the neutral town of Booty Bay,

  • at 8 p.m. realm time,

for a relaxing evening of fishing, perhaps sharing fishing tips, fishing stories, advice on cooking fish, etc…

Remember to bring a few Elixir of Tongues, so you can listen to the fishing adventures of the opposite faction.

(I realize this is quite short notice, but I decided to just “put it out there” and see what happens :slightly_smiling_face:

It may be that I am unable to attend myself, some Fridays, but I hope those who can, and want to, still show up :nerd_face: )

I proposed this as an open, simple, recurring, unscripted social event similar to An Evening at the Forge, since I don’t possess the necessary free brain capacity to actually prepare an event with content, like the Herbal Hangouts or most guilds’ “campaign events”.

This is just me and my fishing gear, perhaps a cooking fire, and me being curious about how YOU plan to catch the big one, or that rare elusive sneakyfish, or how you get your Brilliant Smallfish so crispy, or what condiments or side-dishes you recommend with fish…

If anyone wants to plan something specific for these events, I will gladly attend, but I have made my peace with the fact that I lack the mental resources to be that guy :grin:


Fridays and Saturdays I’m home,I will attend (but I think the thousand needles will be a better place)


I’d be interested in this! It would be great for a few of my characters :grinning:

I think Booty Bay is a perfect place for it, but perhaps every now and then it might be fun to change the hub, so our fishing friends can find all sorts of watery delights :fish: :tropical_fish: :octopus:


Personally, I’d fish with Conjurer Margoss but maybe that’s just because I’m close to getting that mount off of him. :smiley:

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YES! Ooooh, I’ve been waiting for this… I’m so happy to see Gawrdon provide even more open RP to the realm, neatly filling yet another niche. :blue_heart:

I will be there. You have my fishing rod! :cow:


possible future locations:
booty bay
thousand needles
negrand lakes
crystalsong forest
dragon shrine
Sholazar Basin
grizzly hills
Suramar rivers
(I’ll add more if needed)


no good place near booty bay,as far as I can see

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For fishing? I’d say Booty Bay is a perfect place with all the piers and what have you… Not to mention there’s an inn nearby. :eyes:


murky water and docks filled to the brim
edit: there is also an Ogre doing circles in the water

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I’m gonna be a little late, flying in now :turtle:

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Maradan had quite alot of fun,jumping and catching fish with his bare hands.
also rolled his first 100 and cought a firefin in an impossible size.


Hi folks!

Well now, this does sound fun, always good to spend some time fishing! Hope you catch something good! In fact, what are some of your proudest catches?




Booty Bay seems absolutely perfect for this, especially given the weekly fishing tournament that happens there! If anyone does want to do a special feature at some point, there’s water all over Azeroth so I think anywhere in the world would be fun and creative.

I’m sad I couldn’t make it tonight but I was absolutely knackered after my first day back at college. For now though, I can’t wait to attend next month! Any excuse to visit Booty Bay :grinning:


Old Crafty, the legendary fish in Orgrimmar, surely. I’ve never won the fishing tournament in Booty Bay, but I caught Old Crafty. Yeah yeah, I know there’s a few other people who claims to have caught him too but you know how fisherpeople are, their catch growing bigger each time they tell the story, huh.

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Let’s see what we’re gonna catch tonight. :fishing_pole_and_fish:

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can we try the crystal lake in Northrend?
you saw how dirty the waters were :slightly_frowning_face:

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it is next week


You mean the lake in Crystalsong Forest?


yes, please!

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Oh, you’re right. I mistook the first Friday for the last Friday…

Let’s see what we’re gonna catch next week. :fishing_pole_and_fish: