[N-RP] Greenstone Village, Traditional Pandaren Township

argentarchives org node 238296

Pandaria, a land shrouded in legend and mystery - to most of the world. But to these people here in Greenstone, Pandaria is a home, a safe place to live and grow. Or is it?

The recent wars have made it necessary for many villages to be evaquated, including the village of Greenstone, but now, locals urge their families to return, and these letters are spread across safe places of Pandaria.

Fellow villagers,

Our town was recently attacked, as you know, we lost half of our town and other parts of town lay in state of disrepair. With the threat now gone, it is our duty to restore our town to it’s former glory. Rebuild it from the ground up, as a salute to our ancestors that passed in the recent wars.

I urge you all to invite your families and friends to help us restore Greenstone, beds and meals are taken care of.

I’m looking forward to your return…

Däi Xun

Greenstone is a traditional pandaren village tucked between the lush forests of east- central Jade Forest. Here many of the pandaren kin live amongst each other. With no ties to either Horde and Alliance they are known as a neutral village.

For many years the village had lived in peace but since the cataclysm and the disappearance of the mists, the village was confronted with dark forces from beyond. Now that the land and it’s people are healing, it is time for Pandaren to return to their homes and restore their communities.

To put their village back on the map, Greenstone is faced with many challenges. Trade hasn’t prospered. And thereby holding any sort of fair or festival to put their village in the limelight, has become only but a dream. But with the right people and the best of mindsets, Greenstone will prosper once again. For the Jade!

The limits are endless, a village needs a good many people to function and survive in a war-torn society. Merchants, blacksmiths, monks & masters, they are crucial. Should the traditional pandaren lifestyle appeal to you, then you’re free to /w us and visit our town in Jade Forest.


  • Faire of the Jade Serpent

  • Sermons, traditional gatherings and celebrations

  • Training of the monks

  • Pandaria sight-seeing

  • Facing threats and attacks on the village

Feel free to ask any other questions you might have in the comment area!

Thanks for reading this message!


Sounds fun! My former Halfhill guard wouldn’t mind visiting the locale and talk to villagers, maybe even recognizing some from the market. :slight_smile:

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Well, Kaiyu sure won’t have to be as lonely over in Greenstone!

Tonight we had our very first event and we welcomed 8 new pandaren to the village. Thanks for showing up everyone! :slight_smile:

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