The Guild of Thieves
The Guild of Thieves has existed for many years. Preying on the decadence of Stormwind City and the rich manor houses of the surrounding countryside the criminals that formed this enterprise gathered for protection from the hounding of the City Watch and the local militias. It exists to make money for those who control it and to share that with it’s members, and any activity that interferes with this goal will undoubtedly draw the ire of the guild. It has many members; peasants who couldn’t find work in the city, poor students, vagabonds, gamblers, wanderers, middle and upper class families impoverished by the many wars or business ruin, abandoned urchins, social outcasts and poor foreigners.
Though the numbers of the Guild swell and subside with the passing seasons, the core of the of the guild, the real professionals, has almost always stayed the same. It is known within the guild that the Guildmaster has never changed even after decades of the guild’s constant existence.
The Guild is headquartered in Stormwind but has holdings in a small village just south of the city.
For this largesse the townsfolk generally suffer no depredations from the criminal enterprise, as long as their dues are paid of course.
The Guild of Thieves is open to any character who views themselves as a larcenous criminal. Be they burglars, pickpockets, locksmiths, foot-pads all are welcome as long as they are willing to pay a percentage of the profits from their job to the guild. In return, the guild offers some protection from the law, a base of operations to be used as needed and a network of contacts and supplies to allow for larger and more well paid jobs.
Code of Conduct
The guild is pretty light touch when it comes to organisation of events and role-play. Heists and bounties will be offered on occasion but the guild will mainly serve to facilitate criminal RP in the bounds of Stormwind and Azeroth as required. We hope that members have the common sense not to engage in any acts that may get themselves easily reported and banned.
Races and Class
All standard playable races are allowed. When it comes to character class, again anything is allowed as a criminal does not need to be able to make use of stealth button to break the law!
The guild structure is simple whilst we form. Any member can be contacted to join the guild in an OOC basis, and then a meeting between either the Daymaster/Nightmaster will be arranged for the prospective thief to sign up IC.
For more information look out for the officers Keldarion or Liserette being online or message us on the Argent Archives or through Discord via. either the Stormwind or the Gilded Dagger Discord Servers.