[N-RP] Lamplighter - Embers in the Dark 🕯 (Warning: Spoilers)

Lamplighter - a Hallowfall Arathi roleplaying guild

“The Arathi are strongest with the Sacred Flame at their back. Let Great Kyron’s Lamplighters patrol the dark. Use the light of the Sacred Flame as your main defense against the darkness. If you must go out, stay within the dawntowers’ illumination, or prepare some means of taking the Sacred Flame with you.” - Shadow Curfew Guidelines.

Introductions: Exploring the Lamplighters

The Lamplighters of Hallowfall are the defenders of the sequestered civilisation of the Arathi deep below Khaz Algar. Wielding the Sacred Flame, a power closely connected to the Holy Light in hand or with their weapons, the Lamplighters stave off the darkness that proliferates wherever Beledar’s Light does not reach. They patrol the hallowed land, reinforce the bulwarks raised against the encroaching Nerubians from below, and guard the Dawntowers scattered all across Hallowfall.

Long isolated and standing alone against numerous threats, the Arathi of Hallowfall have relied on the Lamplighters to defend their homes, farms and outposts. Now in times of great change and upheavel, the same threats empowered tenfold and a new danger from within, the Lamplighters must look to their strengths and join new allies from the surface in taking the fight to the Harbinger and their minions.

The Pledge of Mereldar

Hello, Argent Dawn! Welcome to Lamplighter, a roleplaying guild exploring the lives, experiences and developments of the loose organisation of heroic defenders of Hallowfall. In the wake of the increasingly destructive assault of the Nerubians, a dozen or so of like-minded Lamplighters have joined together, pledging to take the fight directly to the enemy. We aspire to invoke a sense of survival, exploration and danger, of a previously isolated people coming to terms with being rediscovered and many other aspects.

The Pledge of Mereldar is our unifying standard, an oath taken in brotherhood and duty, to follow each other into battle, to fight as one rather than many and to brave the darkest of shadows and the deadliest of dangers in defense of not only Hallowfall, but a world above.

Hierarchy: A Kingless Institution

We adhere to the Lamplighter lore detailing how they have no chief rank and file, instead relying on leadership in experience and shared aims. To facilitate a semblance of structure, the Lamplighters of our particular ‘branch’ will elect a leading representative, who in turn will select a numbered few among their electorate as advisors. All Lamplighters, within or without the Pledge of Mereldar, may have a voice in what actions to take, though the elected so-called Herald reserves the tie-breaking vote.

Our heavily compressed ranks in detail:

Herald - the elected leader of the Pledge of Mereldar, chosen by their peers among the Lamplighters to direct their efforts in the war against the Nerubians, and to speak on their behalf in diplomatic endeavours.

Officer - a denotation bestowed upon a Lamplighter to serve as the Herald’s advisors, such as a Quartermaster, Arbiter or Armsmaster. While they are adjutants to the Herald, other Lamplighters can offer advice and crucial assistance as well.

Lamplighter - the bread and butter, the torch and blade, the Lamplighters of the Pledge of Mereldar have all come together to face the darkness as a cohesive fighting force for good.

Neophyte - all Arathi of Hallowfall are or were soldiers, and all have within them the capacity and will to become a Lamplighter. For existing Lamplighter characters, Neophyte will be a vetting/processing rank, but for people interested in portraying aspiring Lamplighters, Neophytes will be trained and schooled by an experienced Lamplighter.

Events, Accessibility & Uniform

The officer team of Lamplighter is hoping to bring at least two events on a weekly basis, depending on potentially on-going stories, campaigns or participation in community efforts, where roleplay quantity may increase exponentially. Well aware that life can be a busy affair, we have no strict requirements when it comes to activity, only that you at the very least inform the guild of prolonged absences.

We welcome Humans, Kul Tirans and Void Elves in the roles of Warriors, Paladins, Hunters, Rogues & Priests as the Hallowfall Arathi are represented in-game. Whether you have a Lamplighter character in the works, or a rookie looking to one-up the old guard a little, you’ll quickly be involved when joining us!

While we all love the new Hallowfall sets, the Lamplighters are foremostly individuals who can be compared to the paladins of the Silver Hand, benevolent bounty hunters or inspiring monster hunters, if not all three. We encourage the use of the red-tinted questing variant of the set, especially when gathering or operating out in the field, though people can add their own variations and wear what they wish when not called upon.

Rules, Contacts & a big thank you

Our rules are very simple: keep OOC out of spatial channels (/say, /emote and such), respect your fellow Lamplighter roleplayers and everyone we encounter IC & OOC, keep guild chat to a polite minimum during events and don’t do anything weird like ERP or shout at people in Dungeon Finder!

If all of the above is something you’re interested in and you wish to know more / yearn to become a Lamplighter, you can DM myself, nickolai_71 & JPB101 (our esteemed leader) on discord, or poke any Lamplighter in-game who will most likely send you in the right direction.

Lastly I want to say thank you to a handful of people who have already shown interest in the project, and to thank our current guild members for being extremely patient with the officer team (you rock guys), and in advance thank all those who wish to connect, interact and slay Nerubians with us in the future.

Sacred Flame guide your way, friend!

Chalking this one up as us winning. Best of luck with the new concept.


Best of luck with this concept and I hope it’ll stick.

On a sidenote, though this was probably considered, do note that Earthen seem to be welcome to the Expedition as well, with this NPC going from helping them in Hallowfall to becoming a Lamplighter trainee in Azj-Kahet (with his fluff text detailing his progress):


Just on the offchance some Earthen Roleplayers start getting uppity about how you discriminate against their Grand Stone Crusader concepts.


Im really hoping that this works out :pray:t2::pray:t2: Lamplighters are awesome!!!


We’re not against it! If it’s in lore, we’ll engage with it and appreciate the heads up! I think we’re all desperately tyring to digest as much Arathi lore as we can!


For the Emperor!


Tonight at 20:00 ST various Lamplighters will take up arms to defend a Downtower under siege by Nerubian strike force!

Whilst we are not officially launching till 16th September - This’ll be a nice first foray into TWW RP!

Any budding Lamplighters are welcome to join the defence! Or, alternatively, if anyone fancies joining as a Nerubian - Let me know! Outfit and six additional legs provided!


Brøthers - I crave the førbidden lamp


Various Lamplighters responded to a call for aid as a swarm of Nerubians attempted to breach the Aegis Wall!

Swarms of skittering spiders, Nerubian warriors, terrifying Ascended and countless swarmites assailed the defences but to no avail! The dawntower and the wall still remain in the hands of the Arathi!

A shout out Aeroknight Aelison who’s healing and faith kept us going!

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Thanks for letting me tag along for the fun!

Was a nice introduction into Arathi RP!


The Voice of the Emperor looks forward to working with the Lamplighter guild.

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Likewise, Lumenius! We shall bring life to Hallowfall and the holy city of Mereldar together…

The guild has seen a very nice intake of brave Lamplighters and we are fast approaching our official launch day, though before then we have already and will continue to do a couple of events just for the fun of it, primarily in the form of random call to arms across Hallowfall, where our Lamplighter characters get a chance to meet and form preliminary relations before we all join the Violet Vanguard in Dunelle’s Kindness.

For now we are enjoying the War Within and farming the living Light out of the Hallowfall Arathi renown battle-pass. It’s a good time to be lighting lamps!


Hey, Kinosas from Voice of the Emperor. I am setting up a ingame community for casual rp between guilds in Hallowfall. So people can group up and rp together if needed was wondering if your guild would like to participate!

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Hey there! Yes, of course! We’d love to get involved and excited to be a sociable part of such a wonderful zone!

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Sorry i couldnt catch you today. Was in event! But i shall catch you tomorrow hopefully and pass an invite link to you for your guild!


Greetings, outsiders! While our official launch is this monday, we haven’t been entirely absorbed in the fresh expansion contents up until now. The Lamplighters have already come together several times to fight against the invaders of Azj-Kahet, bravely joining the defenses at the Aegis Wall and re-igniting a Dawntower in the Hallowfall interior. In addition, the Lamplighters were present at the launch of the Violet Vanguard roleplaying community centered in Dunelle’s Kindness, welcoming assistance from the outside, however it may have arrived.

We are looking forward to what endeavours we may find ourselves in, even if we must brave the darkness of Azj-Kahet itself. Below are a few choice screenshots from some of our experiences in the last week or so, and many more to come from the story of the Lamplighters as it unfolds. If you’re considering the way of the Arathi Lamplighter, poke myself or anyone online in-game and I’m sure we’ll get something cool going!

The Flame burns for all of us.



People of Hallowfall, come take up arms against the shadows and aid your fellow Arathi. Fight to defend the people of hallowfall and our newfound allies in Dunelle’s Kindnessand Spread the glory and the protecton of the eternal flame to every corner of Hallowfall.