[N-RP] Light's Hope Community

Light’s Hope Community

Discord Server

Welcome to Light’s Hope Hub, where we’re putting a little life back into the Eastern Plaguelands, one swing at a time! We’ve been growing this community steadily for about a month now, and we’re excited to open our doors to more adventurers who are ready to join the fight!

At Light’s Hope, you’ll find a mix of casual and immersive roleplay. Most evenings are spent gathered around the campfire to share stories, plan our next moves, and strengthen bonds of camaraderie. Beyond that there’s plenty of action to be had. Patrols through the Plaguelands keep the undead in check, while mini-events focus on defending against raids, hunting for supplies, or the maintenance of Argent Outposts found scattered in the Plaguelands. It’s about the small tasks with big impacts, blending low-stakes fun with heroic moments. Naturally, as of the moment, the idea is to keep the focus primarily on Light’s Hope.

The Theme

If you find yourself looking for inspiration for your character or a new one, Light’s Hope is filled with iconic NPCs like Korfax and Tyrosus, whose stories very much line up with the spirit of this place. The RP setting is built around hardline veterans who stand at the forefront of the fight to restore the Plaguelands, where resources are scarce and the enemy is endless. Characters are often part of groups like the Silver Hand, Argent Crusade, Brotherhood of Light, or even independent outsiders, all united against a common threat.

You might’ve guessed, the theme draws heavily from the Ashbringer comic, capturing the dystopian feel of the Plaguelands. Here, the scourge dominates much of the land, and victory feels like an uphill battle. And in the setting and stories, our aim is to capture themes of honour, redemption, sacrifice, tragedy and more. Very Warcrafty.

To maintain this immersive tone, we focus on characters and concepts that fit within the established lore of the Argent Crusade and its affiliates. For this reason, we do not include races like dracthyr or vulpera in the community, as they are not canonically tied to these factions or themes. This is not a reflection on individual creativity but rather a decision to preserve the setting’s integrity and focus on the gritty, Warcraft-inspired themes that resonate with the Plaguelands.


For those joining the community, expect a variety of engaging RP moments. Patrols explore nostalgic zones like Darrowshire, Faol’s Chapel, and Terrordale, while immersive campfire evenings foster storytelling and a sense of connection. Vigils, sermons, and holy rites bring a spiritual element to the community, led by local priests. Resource-gathering missions focus on turning water into holy water, collecting reagents. For aspiring paladins, mentorship is offered by experienced members of the Silver Hand.

Events are kept concise and meaningful, using D20 systems, the main plot is setting mini stories where the outcomes matter, which will generate into further hooks or narrative. For example, a recent threat of overly aggressive plaguebats, underestimated by the residents of Light’s Hope, led to heavy casualties during for an Argent Convoy. Every decision and action contributes to the larger narrative, and players are encouraged to bring their own story hooks and ideas to the table.


Both in-character and out-of-character, the community values collaboration and democracy. In-character votes might decide the next daring venture, like pursuing a lich deep in the Plaguelands, while out-of-character decisions shape the future direction of the community. In short, everyone has a voice, and it’s really un-guild focused.

We keep things simple: be respectful and mindful of others. This is a collaborative space for everyone to enjoy, and we strive to maintain a welcoming atmosphere.

If you’re ready to immerse yourself in a nostalgic Warcraft setting, connect with like-minded roleplayers, and take part in meaningful storytelling, we’d love to have you join us. Make sure to give a brief introduction to your character in the Welcome room aswell! Hope to see you in the Plaguelands o/

The Golden Rules

  1. Play Nice with Events and Hosts: Someone’s pouring their heart into running an event? Give ’em the respect they deserve. We’re all here to tell stories, not trample on someone else’s stage.

  2. Act Like a Grown-Up: This ain’t daycare. Keep it mature, keep it cool. Leave the tantrums at the door.

  3. No Drama Llamas: Got a fiery opinion? That’s great—but don’t use it to roast the whole community. Disagree? Fine. But respect that others might see things differently. Passion’s great, but remember: this is a melting pot of people from all walks of life. Be mindful, be kind, and appreciate the diversity.

  4. Zip the Gossip: Trash-talking other players or guilds (even a little) is a no-go. People have different experiences, and bad vibes like that only ruin the fun.

  5. Guilds Aren’t Kings: Guilds are cool but they don’t make you the boss. Here, Lord Maxwell Tyrosus runs the show. Your character’s choices, not your guild tag, define your influence. In-Character in Light’s Hope there are no “Councils”, Accords or pre-established Structural Hierarchies running the show either! The only time a temporary council would be created would be in the scope of something like a zone-campaign.

Problem? See a Mod! If something’s bugging you don’t let it fester. Chat with a moderator, and let’s fix it fast and fair.


This is an amazing initiative with a bunch of very solid people involved, definitely looking forward to what the future brings!


Weekly Update

Greetings Crusaders!

This week at Light’s Hope, our battle against the darkness continues to grow. Yes, the Scourge is still out there, and the hooks and stories of the community are taking place as we speak! If you haven’t yet joined us, now is the perfect time to dive in! The Plaguebat Swarm has been investigated and a sense of mystery and impeding urgency is washing over the Chapel.

RP Times
If you’re wanting to start something up ⁠lf-rp is your friend

Daily RP, 8pm Realm Time onwards.
(If you see other faces, do encourage an RP party!)

What’s happening this week?

The stories, plothooks etc can all be found inside the Discord Server. And most of them are open-ended.

Wednesday December 4th (8:30pm RT): We’ll be hosting a training session. This is a perfect opportunity to turn up with a character. It’ll go over some basic training, and survival in the Plaguelands, ending with a casual evening shared around the campfire for stories and introductions!

Thursday December 5th (8:30pm RT): Meeting of the Investigation - This will be a critical in-character meeting where all characters are invited to gather and discuss the details of the investigation into the San’layn Stronghold. Which leads into. Again player choice and agency is a massive part of this community.

Friday (8:30pm RT): San’layn Stronghold Assault (TBD)- Whether or not Light’s Hope deems this to be a wise course of action, as voted for by you guys in Thursday’s Event - forces may choose to embark on this mission. It will be D20 DMed. This will be a continuation of the ⁠stories of the Plaguebat Swarm threat.

Signups for Events in the Discord

We’ve been thrilled with the characters that have joined us so far. If you’re looking for inspiration for your own character, consider taking a page from the residents of Light’s Hope. Whether you’re a seasoned warrior, a noble paladin, or a brave healer, your character will find a place within the ranks of the Silver Hand, Argent Crusade, Brotherhood of Light, or even as an independent outsider looking to make a difference! Either way come along as you see fit!

Looking ahead

In the future, we’re looking to introduce new ranks for characters aligned with the darker forces, such as Scourge or Death Knights. This is still in the works, so stay tuned. The story continues. Have fun!


This is awesome

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Love this!


Tonight, we gather in Light’s Hope at 8:30pm Server Time to discuss a letter detailing the whereabouts of a Scourge fortress run occupied by a host of San’layn. Is the mission too risky? Should the letter be called into question, afterall Thaddeus did mysteriously disappear three days ago and hasn’t returned? Should a scouting party be sent out? Or mayhaps call upon to treat with our arch rivals in their floating necropolis, Acherus… We will have to wait and see to what people think is the wisest course to take!

Feel free to join in on the action! Come prepared

Decent community with actual strong theme.


If you’re seeking a vibrant hub for Northern roleplay centered around the Light :candle: and the eternal struggle between the living and the dead :skull:, look no further than the Light’s Hope :church: Community!

Step onto these hallowed grounds, and you might find yourself crossing paths with the Brotherhood of Light:


Brothers and Sisters of the Light,

It is with great honour that I introduce to you the Sacred Brotherhood, a devout division of the Brotherhood of the Light, steadfast in our mission to reclaim our sacred lands from the grip of darkness. Our sanctuary and stronghold, Light’s Hope Chapel, stands resilient in the Eastern Plaguelands, a beacon of hope amidst the shadows.

Here, under the vigilant watch of the Sacred Brotherhood, we ensure that no undead or abomination sets foot in our lands without facing the purifying wrath of the Light. Our blades are sharp, our faith unbreakable, as we strive tirelessly to restore Lordaeron to its former glory.

Our community thrives on unity, discipline, and the unyielding light that guides us. We work closely with our brothers in the Silver Hand and the Argent Crusade, who are also stationed at Light’s Hope. Together, we form an unbreakable alliance against the forces of darkness.

We welcome all who share our vision, who are prepared to stand firm against the encroaching darkness. Join us in our holy crusade, as we forge a path of righteousness through the tainted lands, cleansing them in the name of the Light.

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The night fell heavy over the Plaguelands, choking out the last breath of hope from the Argent Dawn outpost. The San’layn had come swift and silent, like shadows devouring the light. The laughable defenses were breached, the defenders butchered or taken.

The banners of the Argent Dawn lay torn, trampled in the dirt. The outpost was no longer a refuge.

Lights Hope now work alongside the Ebon Blade under a tenuous alliance to defeat this evil lurking. Though at what cost?

With Christmas drawing closer we’ve got some more events coming up, it’s been great fun hosting and seeing the different characters- also in other news due to significant community growth and engagement we’ve got the Golden Rules up now! You can find those on our forum

Meow, very nice, lots of cats around.

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Great place, Great guys, Great RP, Great experience! <3

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"Reports have come in.

Light’s Hope doesn’t send caravans without purpose. The one from Stromgarde carried weapons, supplies, and something far more valuable… holy relics meant to fortify our cause against the San’layn. Now, it lies in ruin. Ambushed near the Plaguewood.

Vermael Sangarov. A San’layn captain and a butcher of men. He doesn’t just kill, he turns survivors into thralls - servants to his will. The caravan strayed too close to his territory, and now he’s made it his prize.

Our scouts have tracked the remains of the caravan deep into the Plaguewood. Survivors are unaccounted for. If they’re still breathing, they’re hiding, waiting for rescue, or worse, being twisted into his playthings.

The mission? Recover the relics. Rescue the survivors. Slay Sangarov. But don’t mistake simplicity for ease. The Plaguewood is a death trap—a blighted wasteland crawling with undead. Ghouls in the trees, banshees in the mists, and Sangarov lurking like a spider in his web. He knows we’ll come, and he’ll be ready.

Light protect


Sir Galford the Righteous."
Open Event on 18th December,

(After a lengthy debate and discussion IC assessing the options, it was decided that venturing out to rescue the survivors of the caravan to be the most pressing of matters.)


The paladins at Light’s hope aren’t too bad. They haven’t killed me…Yet :>

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A Letter Penned to Light’s Hope

“We found Sangarov where we expected: in the heart of the Plaguewood. He won’t be a problem anymore.

The hostages? We got them out. They’re shaken, but alive. Some still hear his voice—whispers crawling in their heads. But the San’layn’s true weapon is what they’ve been doing to us.

They’re turning our people, Light’s Hope soldiers, into thralls. Blood magic, subtle at first—enough to break a man’s will before he even knows it’s gone. By the time we reach them, they’re puppets. And Sangarov? He was just the tip of this bloody spear. Further developments will continue.


The letter is caked in dirt, the defenders of Light’s Hope have lost much, many brothers in arms.

OOC Note

A gruelling event, but very good fun with the hard decisions to make! Leaning ever closer towards Christmas we’ll be hosting some thematic events for each of the various factions in Light’s Hope, just to get those nostalgia levels kicking again!

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