[N-RP] Pandaren RP: Celestial Circle

CC hosts the Next Tavern nights will on the 23rd this month at Stormstout Brewery! Also stay tuned for info on the next Celestial Tournament!

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Two years’ anniversary for the Circle is tonight, and still we’re alive and running!

Another bump, and another annouce! The Circle is still in Pandaria, hosting the Brewfest in Binan just this weekend for anyone willing to share the joy! [Neutral-RP] Binan Brewfest! 30/9 - 01/10

But there is more! The 9th Celestial Tournament is upon us as well, in less than three weeks! [Pandaren RP] The 9th Celestial Tournament 13/10 - 16/10


Currently hosting the 9th celestial tournament, running on till monday! [Pandaren RP] The 9th Celestial Tournament 13/10 - 16/10

Best vacation ever


It was good to see all of you again at the Hallow’s End tavern night!


Just a routine bump. And a reminder that we host another tavern night in Paw’don in less than a week! [Pandaren RP] Pandaria Tavern Nights - 25/11 - Paw'don


This time’s announce is that the Circle is going to attend to the Wanderer’s Festival just this Thursday! Also, stay tuned for the info on the next tavern night!


I think it’s time to upgrade to Celestial Sphere


It’s been too long since the last update, but we’re still here, kicking, doing stories and keeping Pandaria alive! Hosting a tavern night in less than a week! [Pandaren RP] Pandaria Tavern Nights - 27/03 - Sri La

But there’s more, the 10th Celestial Tournament is about to begin one week after as well!


With the quarterly tournament behind, the Circle is back at what it does best. That is, storytelling and resolving the problems of Pandaria and its people. We’re still residing at the Shrine of Fellowship almost every night, open for visitors and new members!

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And another update. In but a week the Circle will host another tavern night in Pang’s Stead!

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We’re hosting the next Tavern nights in Sri-La!

[Pandaren RP] Pandaria Tavern Nights - 27/03 - Sri La - #59 by Sujee-argent-dawn


We’re still here, hosting the next tavern night in less than a week! Also, the next Celestial Tournament will happen in April, so stay tuned for the future updates!


We’re still in this, living and thriving. Mostly solving minor problems around Pandaria, as well as hosting the incoming events! The next tavern night is but next Saturday, 20th, with the quarterly Celestial Tournament beginning less than a week after! So come one, come all if you want to try Pandaren RP!


:fist: Pandaren RP? Yes.

Had fun with them, albeit a bit daunting for myself!

More Tavern nights coming soon in June, along with an upcoming Celestial tournament in July for the 2nd anniversary of hosting Celestial Tournaments!


And a routine bump. A tavern night’s in a bit more than a week, and the stories keep coming! Stay tuned for the update on the incoming tournament!

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Next celestial tourny in july, the 2nd anniversary of running it! [Pandaren RP] The 12th Celestial Tournament 25/07 - 28/07

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