[N-RP] [PvE Campaign - TWW Spoilers] The Last Days of Dalaran 2/9-10/9

The Last Days of Dalaran


Dates: 13th - 21st August & 2nd-10th September
Locations: Dalaran (Northrend and Broken Isles) & Khaz Algar, (Standin Location, Thor Modan, Grizzly Hills)
Discord: https://discord.gg/3SUrkPC
Host Contact: Zyretha (Horde)/Korí (Alliance)/tcgonbikes (Discord)
Information Document: https://tinyurl.com/LastDaysOfDalaran
In-Game Community: https://www.worldofwarcraft.com/invite/vpRomVAUqNq?region=EU&faction=Horde

Please be aware any information may be subject to change due to large amount of content being released before we begin. This post, the associated information document and AA pages will remain up to date with changes made.

This is a two stage community sandbox campaign open to the general public, hosted primarily by the Dalaran RP hub community. A sandbox campaign is where we all share the same timeline and narrative, but everyone can pick what stories they wish to tell and are free to host them. We only expect you to announce and share your time and location so we’re not sitting on top of each other.

We will be having a community focused stage before the launch of the expansion that has little or no DMing involved in events from the 13th to 21st of August, then a break for the early access and launch until the 2nd of September. We’ll then have DM’d events from the 2nd to 10th of September.

This campaign will supply a minimum amount of events to inspire with the opportunity for others to host for themselves, or for the general community if they wish. By having a common framework and support for volunteer hosts to host their own events it encourages people to work with groups they may not have played with before. Key events in the timeline will be provided as a skeleton to keep the different events aligned within the overall story flow.

The plan behind this schedule is to give us time to enjoy the final days of our community before the expansion causes massive upheaval to everything about it. We will then have a gap for people to play the level up content over a week from the main release date. This hopefully gives enough time to be ready and has us finish ahead of the season 1 content opening on the 11th in Europe so people wanting to devote time to that can.

Key Information
  • Horde and Alliance aligned and focused emissaries will work together and alongside the Kirin Tor to support Dalaran residents in the narrative.
  • The Kirin Tor and the faction leaders would not tolerate faction conflict as this is a joint effort. Infighting within own parties or between parties would be considered as a poor commitment of duty and skill, and it is unwelcomed for this community.
  • This campaign focuses on the community spirit before and after the loss of the physical homes they inhabited, working together in the face of tragedy
  • There will only be RP-PvE content, no RP-PvP content supported or encouraged
  • You will need access to The War Within expansion for the second section
  • The second section may feature heavy spoilers for all levelling zones and max level campaign chapters available at launch, depending on what elements event hosts use
  • There are no maximum attendees for this campaign, but DMs can set limits to how many people they bring to their events so that they can tell their stories properly.
  • You are welcome to host any event types you wish in either section of the campaign but you are asked to follow the general timing and narrative so we can all collaborate together as a community.
  • Events will be available every night of the listed two stages. Meetups to brief and gather will take place at approximately 20:00, with start times aimed between 20:15 and 20:30, with estimated finishing times around 22:30 (These are estimates and may change based on the DM and day!)
  • You can join the Dalaran Discord https://discord.gg/3SUrkPC to communicate with other attendees of the campaign but this is not required. It is recommended as it can be easier to announce your event, or post recaps should you wish to.
  • You are welcome to attend any amount of this campaign on any number of characters, as well as split your time between this and other ongoing campaigns
  • For more information or to ask any question, contact Zyretha via discord at tcgonbikes
Community Stage (13th August - 21st August)


The first section of our events is going to be community events for the public around preparing the people of Dalaran for being located in a war zone again, alongside our usual activities such as Trade Night https://www.argentarchives.org/node/257919 and Fashion Week https://www.argentarchives.org/node/272505.

We are going to focus on helping one another with these preparations with a daily meet up to distribute tasks and request aid, then an evening gathering to celebrate or commiserate our efforts at the end of the night.


  • Dalaran is teleporting to Khaz Algar as the base of operations for a joint Alliance and Horde Strike Force https://wow.zamimg.com/uploads/screenshots/normal/1158922.jpg
  • The War Within pre-patch quests and vendors are located in Dalaran, indicating an active engagement with the events by the Kirin Tor
  • Dalaran is a competent, well-educated society with planning and bureaucracy
  • Dalaran will provide time for its civilians to prepare themselves for an active conflict area and to teleport
  • We do not know in character where we are going to teleport to
    *Magni is currently recovering in the Gallery after trying to find out from Azeroth
  • We do not know in character specifically what we are facing
    • Other than it will use the void
  • We do not know in character when the teleportation will happen exactly
  • Communing with Azeroth has caused strange memories of Azeroth to appear all over the world called Radiant Echoes


  • No combat events or DMing in this section within Dalaran itself
    • You are welcome to run excursions to other locations based on the pre patch event
  • Community events open to the public available every night
  • Horde and Alliance present work together and with Dalaran residents
  • Advanced sign up to get involved with community events is not required
  • Attend as many or as few days as you like, on any characters you see fit
  • The Kirin Tor and the factions would not tolerate faction conflict as this is a joint effort
  • Any defences we work on will fail as Dalaran will fall
  • An invite or request for aid can be provided if it helps your guild story (This will come from Zyretha Snowdawn or the Kirin Tor generally)
  • There is no command structure or leadership group, this is all volunteering work
  • Incredibly minimal enemy signs if any
    • Whispers, nightmares, strange shadows, etc.
    • No enemies to fight

Suggested and Example Content

  • Establish a supply line or acquire large stores of critical supplies
  • Escape or finding a safe place drills
  • Self-defence basics
  • Improvements to infrastructure
  • Securing stores and homes
  • Helping those who choose to evacuate do so
  • Learning about Dalaran’s defences
  • Venturing to investigate the Radiant Echoes

Helping Out

  • Host what you want, when you want
  • First-come, first-served (In terms of declared intent to host) for location usage
  • No requirement to sign up to host
  • Decide if you want to host any time
  • If you wish to see what has been listed in advance, check here
  • Multiple events can occur each night and is encouraged to provide for all tastes
  • You can advertise your event during this part of the campaign however you like
    • As separate event pages on Argent Archives, on Discord servers, forum threads, etc.
Campaign Stage (2nd September - 10th September)


The second section of the campaign will be DM’d events focusing on the Battle of Dalaran, the crash and its immediate aftermath, as well as the rescue/aid of survivors. We are going to offer three types of events every day as a minimum, with more events being encouraged so everyone has space to tell their story.

During this section, we are going to coordinate the events so that we can weave a collaborative narrative that doesn’t feel too chaotic. There may be some chaos, but we’ll work through it better as a team.

Timing Schedule

  • September 2nd: Re-gather for final preparations before the teleportation
  • September 3rd: The Battle of Dalaran
  • September 4th: The immediate aftermath of the crash of Dalaran
  • September 5th-10th: Events to rescue and aid people with prompts for potential other events


  • Dalaran is teleporting to Khaz Algar as the base of operations for a joint Alliance and Horde Strike Force https://wow.zamimg.com/uploads/screenshots/normal/1158922.jpg
    • This is proposed after Magni wakes up
    • Citizens have time to prepare themselves and a cross-faction expedition is brought in
    • The Kirin Tor actively are expecting a fight might happen
  • We do not yet know the entire Dalaran crash story due to some cutscenes not being implemented, so will be unable to fully define the details of the crash and aftermath events until after The War Within launch
    • There’s a battle in streets
    • Some people will be safely evacuated
  • Events may feature heavy spoilers for all levelling zones and max level campaign chapters available at launch, depending on what elements event hosts use
  • The new content zones will be heavily sharded, leaving them unsuitable as camp locations for before and after events due to players being unable to see one another
    • We will decide our best location for the camp based on some testing around the launch of The War Within
      • Current ideal is to use Valdrakken or some other hub city/town location
  • Events on the 4th take place moments after the events on the 3rd chronologically
    • Players may change DM or group to reflect people being scattered in the crash
    • Those evacuated safely will be offered a social RP alternative
  • You have access to The War Within expansion to enter the content zones for some of the events
  • The citizens know it is going to happen and are given time to make final preparations


  • Three event types provided at minimum by the hosts per day
    • Offensive combat
    • Defensive combat
    • Community non-combat
  • There will be optional outcomes for what happens to your character in the immediate aftermath of the Battle of Dalaran instead of the standard types for the battle days
    • Evacuated safely
    • Crashed with the city
    • Kidnapped
  • Further events will be provided by attendee volunteers who wish to host events
  • Horde and Alliance present work together and with Dalaran residents
  • You may attend as many or as few days as you like, on any characters you see fit
  • The Kirin Tor and the factions would not tolerate faction conflict as this is a joint effort
  • Any defences we worked on will fail as Dalaran falls
    • Xal’atah actively sabotages these
  • An invite or request for aid can be provided if it helps your guild story (This will come from Zyretha Snowdawn or the Kirin Tor generally)
  • There is no command structure or leadership group, highest authority will defacto pass to the highest ranked surviving Kirin Tor member among the group (Zyretha Snowdawn, the OOC primary host) who will delegate authority to IC event leaders
    • This can be assumed to happen off screen for convenience
  • At the end of the section, we will attempt to settle the survivors in a new location for the Dalaran RP Hub’s players
  • You are not required to have attended any of section 1 to attend section 2, though this is heavily encouraged
  • We will provide off-screen RP and storytelling channels within the community Discord server
  • If you are in the city during the battle, its unavoidable, the entire city is being invaded

Suggested and Example Content

  • Rescuing players or NPCs from Nerubians
  • Defeating escaped Violet Hold prisoners
  • Reclaiming artefacts lost during the city’s destruction
  • Treating and/or rescuing those wounded in the fall
  • Helping refugees gather supplies and set up a camp
  • Learning about where we’ve crashed
  • Containing volatile magic

Helping Out

  • Host what you want, when you want
  • First-come, first-served (In terms of declared intent to host) for location usage
  • No requirement to sign up to host
  • Decide if you want to host at any time
  • You may limit attendance however you see fit
    • Make clear the rules and requirements for this (Capacity, character type, etc.)
  • You may use any DM systems you see fit
  • You must clearly list any trigger/content warnings on your event
  • If you wish to see what has been listed in advance, check here
  • Try to coordinate with players, some may want to be rescued during events, etc.
  • Multiple events will occur each night, and as many as people wish to host are welcome
  • We will provide an event listing each night for events listed in advance, but you can also call people over and decide to host as you see fit

If you want to get involved, signups are not required in advance, but you can contact me or reply to indicate your intention to come. If you have questions or want to help host, DM me on discord.


What a great initiative. It’ll hit hard for all those who enjoy roleplaying there for sure. At least this will help give it a nice send off.

If I could make a suggestion though: You might want to consider changing the title, for those who aren’t aware of the spoiler in question. Otherwise it’s a nice post!


Yeah, completely fair. I’ve updated the thread title to a generic name and added a spoiler warning. Thank you!


Lovely to see another campaign by you! No doubt this will be a blast.

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We are now one month out from the official start of the first stage!

Please note that due to the prepatch being based in Dalaran, some of the suggested content and story assumptions outlined above may change to reflect and account for it. If you’re interested or have questions, please reply or get in touch with me on discord at tcgonbikes


This sounds interesting! Count us in, to! :crossed_swords:


Sounds awesome!

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Hello again, we’re now two weeks away so its time to provide some important information updates:

With the release of the prepatch, the OP, the Argent Archives thread and document have been updated to reflect the story for the Community section and added more suggested events based on the prepatch. We’re still (and will be at all times) absolutely open to more hosts and DMs bringing their ideas.

Due to the prepatch however, we’ve also had to change venues as Dalaran has had sharding enabled due facilitate the massive amount of people transiting and doing the quests in Legion Dalaran. We’ll be using Dalaran in Northrend for all community activity (campaign or otherwise) for the duration of the prepatch now.

We look forward to seeing you soon in the city, please reach out via discord or if you see me in-game for more information!


Looks exciting! We’ll visit Dalaran for discussions and assistance soon, hyped for the concept!

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Hello everyone!

We begin on Tuesday with some useful information amidst our normal weekly Trade Night. You may have noticed in the prior announcement and post we have moved to Northrend Dalaran. It also has the same issue, and we’ve been working on a workaround setup.

We’re still going to use Northrend Dalaran, but in War Mode as PvE activity is much lower and sharding even at a large quantity of arrivals didn’t occur. We’re also going to use an in-game community to facilitate raid invites if you do get put in the wrong shard.

We’ll see you Tuesday in Northrend Dalaran in War Mode! Please contact us over discord if you have urgent questions!


A small bump to bring the campaign back up. Looking forward to it!

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Hello everyone! The campaign begins tomorrow!

You’ll find us in War Mode Northrend Dalaran with an intro and our normal weekly Trade Night. This is a chance to meet locals and other volunteers before the work ahead! You’ll also be able to catch me for IC Q&A after the intro at 20:00 Server Time.

We’ve then got in the first days Infrastructure Reviews, Magical classes and a chance to investigate the Radiant Echoes. Please head to the discord for more detail or find out on the day!


This shall be fun!

Tonight we continue on, preparing for the dangers ahead and around the world!

Bolf Anvilhearth gathers heroes and adventurers at 20:00 at the Memorial to discuss plans, research and prepare provisions for expeditions to face down the Radiant Echoes appearing across Azeroth!

Vivian Skybreaker leads a first aid class for those who aren’t practiced at patching themselves up, teaching people how to use the tools provided in common medical kits to help themselves and others! You’ll find her at 20:30 near the Graveyard

All events take place in Northrend Dalaran in War Mode!

You can also find tomorrow we’ll be implementing our defence reviews and heading out on expeditions!


Really looking forward to the 2nd part of this, both to see what the community makes of this situation and you know moving forward, but also looking forward to bringing in a local! >:3

Hehehe skadoosh

Good evening all! Glad to see so much interest in the city and what happens next recently. If you’re curious, we begin our story of the fall Monday, 2nd of September. We’ve recieved a lot of FAQs, so please check below for answers!

Whats the campaign timeline?

On the 2nd we’ll re-gather in Northrend Dalaran, War Mode Off. A brief story update will be provided, then you can ask questions or make final preperations to teleport IC. On the 3rd we’ll do the battle, 4th the immediate aftermath (Fighting right after the crash, or helping those safely evacuated are example event types) From the 5th-10th we’ll rescue people, clean up the mess, meet the locals, set up at a new home, etc.

What events are available?

There will be At minimum 3 events available per day. 2 that are slightly different variations on combat or end goal, and one non-combat camp/community style event. The exception to this being the Battle, with 3 combat events due to the nature of the story. On top of that Anyone can host anything they like. We want people telling their stories, so just because there’s already events, doesn’t mean you can’t host yours.

What has and hasn't happened yet during the campaign?

At the start of the campaign, the Fall of Dalaran hasn’t happened, as we are DMing it. We strongly advise people to not RP as it having happened yet, as we and other campaigns and small stories will be RPing it out over the coming weeks until you experience it. We’re also going to be saying access to zones later than the Isle of Dorn becomes available relatively early in the campaign so we can rescue players, but the max level campaign hasn’t happened yet during the duration of the campaign.

How do I sign up to the event I want to attend?

Like during the community stage, we’ll open a forum channel on our discord that allows people to post their events with tags to help you search for an event that suits you. However, most combat events will be limited to the DM’s comfort or the maximum capacity of a raid group, meaning you will need to reply to the DM’s post with your OOC Name and Faction. Some may ask you to fill out a form or message them instead as they require further information. New events will be posted the night before each event day, and a schedule of who’s planning to host when will be released.

I want a particular outcome for my character during an event, how do I know if that is available?

The minimum provided events around the battle will say explicitly how we intend to exit Dalaran. You can ask or may have opportunities during those events to be removed from Dalaran by other means. If in doubt, ask your DMm in advance. Some events will explicitly be flagged for rescuing players. Please make it clear as you sign up that you will be rescued as the DM may require more information from you.

Where are we based out of during the campaign?

Due to heavy sharding of content zones, we will be using Khaz Algar during events Only. we won’t be using it as our out of hours RP/Camp area. We would like to make use of Valdrakken as we want to use it going forward for some of the campaign, but if sharding is too bad there, we’ll using it only sparingly. Instead, we’ll use some kind of Dwarven location as a stand-in for the isle of Dorn. We’ll perform this test this weekend.

Can I host an event?

Yes! We’d love you to. Whatever calls you and inspires you! Host for any size of group, any day (Including the battle or crash). The only thing we’re ensuring is a Minimum provision, not a maximum. If you want to host as part of the campaign, or just adjacent to it, absolutely feel free to at any time!

Who is welcome and how do I join the campaign overall?

Everyone! Arrive when makes sense for your character. Be aware our minimum provision of events is unlikely to cover everyone though, so consider hosting if you can!

Is there a deadline for joining up or deciding to host?:

No. Just say you want to by posting an event or getting in touch if you’re a host. Joining up, just turn up to the campaign and sign on to the event you want to go to each day.

Is there anything I should do beforehand?

Complete the level 70-80 campaign to avoid being spoiled, Join the community to facilitate raid invites, https://www.worldofwarcraft.com/invite/vpRomVAUqNq?region=EU&faction=Horde and make sure you’ve read https://tinyurl.com/LastDaysOfDalaran if you want to be fully informed.

Whats next for Trade Night?

Still to be determined. Priority one is the experience of the loss of our homes and livelyhoods, and ensuring everyone has a chance to tell the stories around that, as well as our first steps into the new part of the world now opening to us for the first time. We’d hoped to use Valdrakken, but the issue we discovered during the prepatch has resurfaced, so for now its TBD, with consultation ongoing in the discord. PSA: Dragon Isles currently unusable for RP purposes if all characters are not max level (BROKEN AGAIN)

Full, more detailed information at: https://tinyurl.com/LastDaysOfDalaran or in the OP. See you soon!


This campaign is gonna be amazing! Super looking forward to it! <3

Campaign start day update, so Citizens of Dalaran, raise your eyes to the sky and observe! Tomorrow is the big day of the battle. The information in this post is important. Make sure you’ve read thoroughly!

Tonight we’ll be meeting up to give a brief update IC on the story, then letting people go make their last preparations and introduce to one another.

If you’re an Alliance character needing a hook for why you’re coming to Dalaran, you’ll find Juniper hosting from the Alliance Embassy from 20:30, arriving in Dalaran a little later.

You’ll find the schedule for the entire campaign here, and can contact a DM or sign up to an event via a form if you are sure you want to attend an event on a given day: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1madylDeioZSZKpJXCezIS_tVlytdAQ4wodZfXTcR2VM/pubhtml?gid=1827214799&single=true

Starting from today, for tomorrow, you’ll find the next day’s events posted in the dedicated discord channel. Make sure Discord hasn’t hidden the channel from you in the channel menu! To sign up, contact the DM if you need to ask them questions or reply to the thread with your name and faction.

Most events in Dalaran will be in Northrend Dalaran, War Mode Off.

The teleport will happen at the start of the evening tomorrow, with an announcement in our discord. Most events will start their DMing around 20:30 (check your DM’s post for the exact) in Northrend to give people time to group up and provide info.

All events will end on a cliffhanger, as on the 4th we’ll pick up from the beaches and either fight on or move to a camp location. You can change DM from Tuesday into Wednesday.

You can choose your character’s fate, but please make sure your DM knows what you want to happen. Examples include:

  • Your character is unharmed
  • Your character is injured
  • Your character is kidnapped
  • Your character is killed

If your character is taken, you will have opportunities from Thursday onward to recover them, but speak to the DM!


End of an era! Really looking forward to this :smiley: