[Khaz Algar RP] Stranded on Khaz Algar [Roaming] [September onwards]

The Short Version:

Wandering group/hub
2. September onward
Destinations: Isle of Dorn, Ringing Deeps, Hallowfall (Azj-Kahet? You decide!)
Who: Dalaran, Natives, Alliance, Horde, Unaffiliated, Kirin Tor, Goblins
How to get involved: https://discord.gg/ksKz37p3rD / https://www.worldofwarcraft.com/invite/mkB5edMUqXm?region=EU&faction=Horde (cross-faction invites/anti-phasing)
Potential - crossovers

After Dalaran’s crash on the Isle of Dorn, the city’s survivors found themselves stranded in a strange new land. While some worked to repel nerubian ambushers, others swam for their lives, found themselves stranded on its shores, or in some cases even escaped containment, now seeking to take revenge on the accursed Kirin Tor and their sympathetic sycophants.

Little did they know what else awaited them in this foreign land…

The Big Idea

Similar to the roaming caravans, albeit this time without supplies, this community offers those seeking to further their RP on Khaz Algar the opportunity to develop their character, influence others, be influenced, and even introduce Earthen into RP!

We also offer a space for pitching RP back and forth, LFRP, organizing events and (inter)personal mini-plotlines as well as contacts for travel/overworld RP in the near or distant future! While guilds may attend, this community is more suited toward characters as their own personalities, and as such embraces the chaos of guildlessness, travelers apart from other guilds or even MIA characters! Or, you know, kobold RP. (as long as you don’t forget to bring a candle)

The RP itself will stretch on for as long as people are in the mood! Anybody can drop in or out at any time they wish, and the RP may span all the way down into Azj-Kahet as long as there is a reason to go!

You can get involved by literally getting in touch or encountering us through RP

Fair warning, though: encounters may be subject to sharding unless pre-arranged!

RP/Story Hook Cards

2.9. - 10.9. - The Fall of Dalaran

Please read up on the following:
[N-RP] [PvE Campaign - TWW Spoilers] Dalaran Community Campaign 2/9-10/9

House Duskrose & Hirelings/Mercenaries (characters looking for work who otherwise have no reason to visit Dalaran)

A hiring notice can be found in various cities across Azeroth

Bodyguards Wanted

For the safety of Lady Duskrose we are currently hiring bodyguards! Travel to Dalaran and seek out a representative of House Duskrose in the Legerdemain Lounge!

The details of your assignment will there be explained in full detail. If you can guarantee her safe return you will be adequately rewarded by the household.

Reward: 30 Gold
<The letter is signed with an authentic seal>

Survivors of Dalaran

You find yourself stranded on the Isle of Dorn and either coming from another group or on your own, you happen to join this particular group on their journey - or enlist their help to hunt down a dangerous inmate who escaped the Violet Hold!
Alternately, you can be rescued!


With the means of extending your functionality lost for thousands of years, and the Titans and their keepers lost to you and your kin for longer than you can remember, you have come to be challenged to believe in the edicts or strike out on your own in search of a meaning to your existence. Perhaps you have even found it.

You may come upon the group as an Unbound, a Peacekeeper now barred from Dornogal, or perhaps even a Stormrider!

Though there have been very few Stormriders taking to air of late, you are not aware of the conspiracy that had befallen the Rookery
Nor is a machine speaker aware of the conspiracy that had befallen the Ringing Deeps


Once oppressed by the Candle King, you now enter a brave new world for kobold-kind! Anxious, or perhaps excited at what to do next, you stumble or are stumbled upon by this new group of creatures you have never seen or heard of before
Alternately, you may be rescued from the Candle King’s enforcers!


Maybe you’re here on business, maybe your job sucks… Or maybe, maybe you need that money!
Take up your stacks of flyers and spread word far and wide of the nearest spa and resort or shop you’ve been hired to promote!
Alternately you’re an entrepreneur or adventurer. The sky’s the limit, my friend! Well, the sky and your cash flow.

House Duskrose & Hirelings/Mercenaries (cont.)

You have been tasked to protect Lady Duskrose but something has gone awfully wrong! Are you bodyguard enough to fulfill your duty?

Sisterhood of the Serpent

Originally you have come to Dalaran to secure the hideout and ensure none of its keepsakes and records are misplaced in the wake of the city’s teleportation.
However, as you find yourself on Khaz Algar, you are having trouble finding the whereabouts of the Mentor! You are left with little choice but to establish a temporary base of operations and look for her, if you even believe her to still be alive.

You are also welcome to discuss other means of getting involved if you feel your character needs a stronger/different reason to get involved! Most characters involved will more than likely have their own motives figured out already, but if you haven’t don’t be afraid to refer to the above or reach out!

Please criticize and offer feedback to your heart’s content, but above all I invite you to come RP with us! And if you just so happen to be a DM in need of learning, practice or re-learning, feel invited to poke me about possibilities to train your DMing muscle!
The easiest way to get in touch is via the House Duskrose & Caravan discord!
( https://discord.gg/ksKz37p3rD )
Alternately: Rakihu or Rduskrose (Horde) / Bestu (Alliance) / ingame community (only visible on the character you’ve joined with!) - especially for any sharding issues that may arise!


We’re in Dalaran for the next 2 days!

We have… officially… landed. Yes.


As the Draenei pilot said to Velen years ago.

Drifted apart and then reconciled, the group is in the process of being capable of rescuing anybody.

They’ll be off to rescue somebody important soon! And after that? It’s off to finding Lady Duskrose - that is if she’s still alive.