[N-RP] Quel’elhera Academy Grand Opening Ball💃

Greetings, denizens of Azeroth!

We are thrilled to invite you to the grand opening ball of Quel’elhera Academy, a beacon of elven arcane learning and cultural heritage. This splendid evening will mark the beginning of our journey in fostering the next generation of arcanists.

  • :calendar: Date: January 6th
  • :hourglass: Time: 8:00 PM Server Time
  • :round_pushpin: Location: Dalaran (Legion)

Celebrate with Us:

  • :confetti_ball: Opening Ceremony of Quel’elhera Academy.
  • :books: Introduction of our academy guidebook.
  • :wine_glass: Enjoy elegant refreshments amidst magical ambiance.
  • :violin: Music, dancing, and delightful company.

This is more than a ball; it’s the start of a magical and educational journey. Don your finest robes and gowns, and join us in a night that promises to be filled with wonder, learning, and the beauty of arcane arts.

With regards,
The Faculty and Staff of Quel’elhera Academy

For more info, contact us on discord! @tiristrasza


Nice to see more arcane-oriented folk pop up, you can never have enough mages.


Drinks and hors d’oeuvres?

You make a compelling case.


Vigorously seconded - signed, a lonely mage guild GM.


The real question is, how much of the food will be conjured?


Our fellow mages have been weaving threads of excitement, discussing everything from spellbound attire to dazzling pyrotechnic displays. Can’t wait!

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Hello! Wanted to share some updates on the ball!

  • Weapons will be stored at the door by our friendly arcane construct! He loves a good chat too!

  • The Wandering Lamppost are catering the event and have made us a menu! https://qaball.carrd.co/

Hope to see you all soon!

Looking forward to it!

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A shame I had to miss most of it. Nevertheless, I aspire to be present next time the ball comes around! Had some lovely interactions with the people here.

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Thank you everyone for coming to the event!

We had such a great night, enjoyed meeting and conversing with everyone, it was such a beautiful time!

Here is a link to the images captured by a dear friend! https://imgur.com/a/wFikM26


A very heartfelt thank you to each and everyone of our guests at the ball last night. You made the evening so enjoyable for all. Thank you!

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If I could offer some constructive feedback?

Personally — and it’s just my opinion — I find the in-game /dance emotes immersion-breaking, especially for what is supposed to be a graceful, Thalassian themed ball. It was why my character left early: I saw no way to participate in the event and remain in character, and I’m sorry for that.

An example of a good, immersive dance event style, in my opinion, is the dance nights Acrona hosts in WoW in FFXIV. They involve choreographed group dances composed of simple, short emote animations according to the dance master’s directions.

If having the dance master shout directions IC feels too immersion-breaking, perhaps they could be made in raid chat for those willing participate.

Here’s the most recent one, with screenshots!

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No worries at all!

We had a few solo dances that were without the use of /dance, unfortuanly I’ve never delved into choreographed dances, but I will look into making one next time. We just barely had the time to get things all together, spent months preparing the event, the guild and assessment program!

I am still glad you came and participated, even for a while!

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