[N-RP] Quel'elhera Academy, "Nobility through tradition" - Elven Magic School RP 📖

Welcome to Quel’elhera Academy, nestled in Dalaran and sanctioned by the Kirin Tor. Our focus is on nurturing the arcane talents of elves and preserving the rich tapestry of elven heritage.

:scroll: - Mission:

  • Quel’elhera Academy offers a blend of academic and practical exploration. Our journeys span Azeroth, delving into the heart of ancient elven lore and magic. Apart from its educational role, the academy is also a cover for the Lodge of Sorceresses. For us to collaborate and strategize, ensuring our goals are met while maintaining secrecy.

:busts_in_silhouette: - Ranks & Roles

Faculty Members : As mentors, scholars, and custodians of knowledge, the faculty members of Quel’elhera Academy bestow their wisdom and experience upon its eager denizens. Bound by the guidelines set forth by the Academy’s administration, these educators endeavor to uphold the institution’s teachings and ideals for the betterment of all.

  • This role isn’t solely confined to teaching.

Vanguards : The unwavering defenders of the Academy and its members, the Vanguard stand as both blade and shield, devoted to the academy and its principles. Comprised of scouts, bulwarks, spellbreakers, and fighters, this elite cadre of militant guardians offers their expertise and wisdom both on the battlefield and within the academy’s walls.

  • Vanguard members wear distinctive uniforms and report directly to the Administration.
  • This esteemed position is open to all races of Azeroth.

Students : Embodied as the lifeblood of Quel’elhera Academy, students span the spectrum from fledgling novices to seasoned magi, all eager to delve into their heritage, culture, and the boundless depths of arcane knowledge. Bound by the academy’s rules and regulations, students engage in a journey of discovery and growth, indispensable to the vitality of the institution.

  • Students adhere to a uniform code, partake in a reward system, and are central to the academy’s roleplay activities.

Associates: Allies of the sorceresses and the academy, associates come from diverse backgrounds, ranging from the sophisticated to the eccentric. With no limitations on gender, race, or class, these individuals enrich the tapestry of the academy’s narrative through their varied interactions and unique perspectives.

  • The associate role is granted to those who engage in RP with the guild, offering limited involvement with exceptions for special events.

:european_castle: - Adventures:

  • Travel with us to forgotten elven ruins, ancient academies, and sites of historical significance. These expeditions are key to our hands-on educational approach, allowing students to connect deeply with their ancestry and the arcane arts.

:spiral_calendar: - Enrollment

  • To fully commence this project and keep true to it’s nature, we will be hosting a ball on 2024-01-05T20:00:00Z, which will be announced separately. Enrollment week shall commence after that, in which we’ll have 7 days spread out for students, vanguard and teachers to enroll in the academy. A booklet will be distributed soon aswell!

:teacher: - Collaborations

  • Quel’elhera Academy is open to collaborate with Elven magi who wish to teach specific classes. If you would like to teach a class on a subject, hit me up and we can set up everything!

For more information, contact me through discord! @/tiristrasza


Looking forward to seeing what comes out of this! :slight_smile:


This looks like heaps of fun! I shall try to attend the ball :smile:


The invitation to the ball is here! Can’t wait to see you guys there!

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If you’re lacking direction or need tutelage for your magecraft, come to us. Are you adept at your craft and wish to share your knowledge, we are the place to be.

And we have cookies.

Edit: It shows the wrong level and guild for me, please ignore that.


Hey, dear reader.
You might like the concept of an academy, but your char is not versed in the arcane arts? Fear not!
The academy’s vanguard is there for you, a simple, yet elegant way to unite mage- and combatant-rp.
By not simply standing around like statues or as decoration for mage rp, but with the same chances to unfold your character and develop their stories aswell.

If you are interested to be part of our vanguard or the academic aspect of the guild, just hop on our Discord and we’ll see how you can parttake.

I wish you pleasant Holidays and hope to see some of you soon.


Saw you lot yesterday in Dalaran, you seem fun!


I hope we will be more fun in the days to come when not on a tour and that sort of thing. It was good meeting you :slight_smile:


Looking good, I can’t wait for the launch!


Greetings fellow spellcasters!

If you haven’t already, I encourage you to visit Dalaran and join us for some role-play!
Whether you’re a seasoned sorcerer or an aspiring apprentice, there’s something for everyone. Let’s continue to build this magical community!

Hope to see you all soon and may your incantations be powerful and your potions potent!


:star2: Quel’elhera Academy Assessment Week - Participant Guide :star2:

Hello everyone!

With the grand opening ball of Quel’elhera Academy just around the corner, we’re excited to move into the next phase: the Assessment Week. Here’s what you need to know about the process and what to expect:

:date: Assessment Timeline:

  • 8th and 9th of January = Students🧙‍♀️ Assessment days.
  • 10th and 11th of January = Vanguard🛡️ Assessment days.
  • 12th and 13th of January = Teachers🧝 Assessment days.

:mag: Assessment Stages:

1. Written Questionnaire: You’ll be given a set of questions to answer in writing. This will test your theoretical knowledge and alignment with the Academy’s values.
2. Individual Interviews: Prepare for a one-on-one interview with our panel of judges. This will include hypothetical scenarios and questions about your personal journey and aspirations.
3. Practical Examination: This is a hands-on test where you’ll demonstrate your skills in a simulated real-world scenario. Teamwork and individual competence will be key here. (A Dm’d event!)

:busts_in_silhouette: Roles & Specifics:

  • Students: Expect questions and scenarios related to arcane studies and practical applications of magic.
  • Vanguard: Your assessment will focus on protection strategies, response to threats, and overall physical and tactical prowess.
  • Teachers: You’ll be evaluated on your teaching approach, knowledge, and ability to handle unexpected classroom situations.

:bulb: Tips for Preparation:

  • Think about how you embody the academy’s views in your own journey.
  • Be ready to think on your feet during the practical examination.

:pencil: Note:

  • Each participant will be evaluated fairly, and we encourage you to showcase your best qualities.

  • We’re looking forward to seeing how each of you shines during this process.

  • The first day will be for Stage 1 and Stage 2.

  • The second day will be for Stage 3 only.

Best of luck to all!

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Looking forward to the assessments!

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A heartfelt thank you to each and every guest that came to the ball last night, you made it a very special and delightful evening! We dearly hope we piqued the interest of our guests and that some of you would be interested in joining our academy.

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Now with the Assesment Week just around the corner, our booklet is finally out! It made a flashy debut during the ball!

Here is a link to the Academy Booklet!

Link: https://publuu.com/flip-book/355857/813481

Looking forward for the assesment week and to have some awesome adventures together!! <3

After a long pause, I decided to take some apprentices and found myself joining the academy. I haven’t had the opportunity to fully explore the story and people yet, but from an ooc standpoint I am fully invested in this project and have been enjoying the company of guildmates through discord. Can’t wait to host lectures and go on adventures with you guys :heart:

And I recommend anyone who wishes to join, well, join. We still have space for students and fellow faculty staff.

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Soon we will have our first classes for the first batch students. Hopes are high for how we can shape them and prepare them.

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Students and teachers alike are getting field tested these days, investigating some peculiar spore related incidences. Green thumbs are not mandatory but is a plus.


Who knew some spores being researched would end up causing us all to be entrapped in a pocket dimension!

Dresses were torn, garments adjusted and in the end, vines and plant infused monsters got the best of us. We should have packed a bug spray too !:sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:


is there still a way to join as a new player?

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Of course! Come find us in Dalaran (best place) or contact us in /w or via in game mail. You can also use the guild finder.

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