[N-RP] Smuggler's cove (Community)

What? Neutral community for Smuggling/Small time criminal RPers
Why? To try and weave a web between RPers to create more RP!
When? Whenever you want!
Link? https://discord.gg/qCCTXQC83u

Greetings! It is I once more, your beloved Silvermoon City Smuggler Nare!
Today I come to the forums with my last initiative that I’ll be working on this years! A Smuggler’s Cove!

Smuggling RP has always been a niche in RP that is very dependant on actually finding people who are in the same niche or interested in such, to that goal, I am creating a community for people who RP smugglers and/or petty criminals, as well as people who deal with them!

Are you a Sin’dorei smuggler importing dwarven ales, a goblin who embezzles all his funds or a human who commits small-time heists at the markets to then sell his loot to the local fence? Then this community is for you! It is open to all who seek economical gain and isn’t afraid to cut any moral corners to get to it! Be it an adventurer who seeks great riches and isnt afraid to do dirty work to get to them, or a merchant who seeks an edge over their competition by receiving their wares through cheaper means!

In the community we will be working together to set up more smuggler’s RP, on Alliance and Horde side (as well as on neutral grounds)! We will be setting up a supply-and-demand chain as well as events in which everyone is free to partake! So come once, come twice and come all, for the grand Smuggler’s Cove is open!


This is a fab idea <3 Thank you!

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This certainly piques my interest and also the smugglers in the Guild. Will look into this!

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Why hello there…


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After a very fun and entertaining event in which we’ve gotten a lot of wares to Booty Bay, some in the community are now ready to set up in Booty Bay this wednesday, while others have already moved on in persuit of more profits! Stay smugglin’, lad(y)s!


The smugglers cove is setting up a tobacco smuggling ring across Azeroth to RP with! if your character would be interested in tying into this azeroth-wide smuggling ring, do pop into the discord!


yaarrr that be sounding mighty fine.
I will keep that in mind and share it with me crew