[N-RP] The Argent Compass

The Argent Compass

Hello and welcome to the curious eyes to read about our new guild, The Argent Compass. We are a part of Argent Crusaders ICly, but the guild is one where the harder military elements are watered down, keeping only what is perceived and considered fun without disregarding the expectancy of a disciplined background.

We plan to encompass (ha) not just the average crusaders and their pursuits, but also more eclectic profiles like lore keepers or teachers and build a small-ish community of people with diverse skill sets. A group of people, where we can all be equal despite some of the simple leadership roles, and most importantly - Have fun and immerse in RP.

The plan is to ensure a weekly event by the GM himself, and then let others come up with ideas or possibilities to be taken into consideration or in which we can just participate, and letting people just go in name of the Crusade to major campaigns or Events in Argent Dawn.

To ensure the equality and fun for all we have set some rules for our guild, and for our discord:

  • Be nice. Try to be understanding of people’s differences and situations.
  • Getting caught in ERP in public equals a kick, including alts, and we do not watch being related, in game, to any sexual such topics kindly.
  • Try to avoid political talk when indicated. Keep it in a concrete channel or DMs.
  • +18 Guild. No minors allowed.
  • No OOC speak in /say. Use Guild chat or Party chat if possible.
  • Be mindful of the roleplay setting, guards and other possible NPCs that may be present. The lack of played characters is not equal to the lack of characters.

If you’d be interested in joining our growing group, or want to know more, contact michinenet or redeemed2580 through discord!

We look forward to getting Crusaders to have adventures and explore with!


Sounds interesting. Might give this a go. Been looking for an inclusive guild for ages


Was lovely meeting you IC the other night and thank you for having us along for your event. The zombies had a great time.


Toss a whisper or a dm!

We helped this band of Argent Crusaders retrieve a cursed sword from a masquerading demon and her Scarlet puppets, because we’re just that nice.

The event was well narrated. I am an enjoyer of Therd’s writing style.


Sounds great!

Have a bump!