[N-RP] The Scorched Sands Market - Weekly Market

Rumours of a new market have been on the horizon, flyers pinned around neutral, Horde and Alliance cities alike! A paw stamp of approval in the middle of each one. ‘Bring your most interesting and unique of goods, for no coin will be permitted here!’

The Scorched Sands market! Named after the Scorched Sands Outpost, a neutral area located in the south of Vol’dun, and where this market will be hosted. Home to a variety of wares, and a unique trading practice, no currencies are to be used. Following traditional vulpera culture, coin has no value at the Scorched Sands market, instead only the trading of whatever goods you own will be permitted. Bargaining is encouraged! Haggle to your heart’s desire.

IC Details:

  • Location: Scorched Sands Outpost in Vol’dun (Neutral).
  • Date & Time: Every last Saturday of the month at 20:00-23:00 Realm Time, starting in March!
  • Who can attend?: Whilst the event focuses on vulpera culture, all races and factions are welcome!
  • Be sure to bring goods of all kinds if you intend on trading!

OOC Details:

  • Whilst the chosen location has Horde NPCs present, they are not PvP! So, if you are Alliance do not be worried about being flagged at this location, it has been thoroughly tested!
  • There are various ways of presenting the tradeable items that your character brings. You are free to use in-game items, emote descriptions, or TotalRP Extended items. There are no limits as long as you find a reliable way of conveying your item to other people!
  • The add-ons Total RP 3: Extended and Musician are recommended, but not essential.
  • Please bring Elixir of Tongues! Inky Pots are recommended for anyone who wants a darker atmosphere.
  • Although all character types are accepted at this event, please keep OOC drama especially, and any other roleplay disrupting behaviours away from the event. This is meant to be a pleasant and fun atmosphere.

Stall Information:
As this is a community oriented event, anybody is welcome to set up a stall without needing permission! Please be sure to be courteous to other stall owners and not intrude on their space by setting up too close to other stalls. We accept any and all stalls as long as they don’t go against general RP etiquettes, and follow the market rule of accepting trade offers instead of gold!
Although trades are highly favourable as per the spirit of this market, nobody will be excluded or attacked for selling via currency.

Comments to show interest are appreciated! I’d love to see who intends on turning up! If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to whisper me or send me a mail on my toon Caenatai [Horde]!


We will happily set up a stall for our tavern or individual stalls for our members depending on what you would like to see at your market, or how you would like to distribute our presence :3

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Whichever is preferred for your lot is fine! Looking forward to seeing y’all there! ^^