[N-RP] The Solstice Bazaar β˜€

Sturdy, good-quality parchments written in a cursive, vibrant blue ink have been attached to noticeboards in cities of the Alliance & Horde, as well as neutral ones such as Booty Bay and Dalaran; they read:

The Solstice Bazaar is a travelling shop that provides responsibly-sourced goods & the services of our talented Artisans and crafters to assist you in your endeavours!

We provide a variety of goods, ranging from amulets, trinkets, herbs, Totems, jewellery, engineering goods and more! We are also happy to trade with you if you have something to sell, and if you have requests for particular items and objects, you may consult us likewise.

Additionally, if you are looking to travel the world or for an exciting opportunity to research its mysteries & better it, we may be able to provide you with such likewise!

We will keep everyone informed of our upcoming whereabouts with further notices! Our opening times are always at eight bells in the evening.


The Solstice Bazaar is a travelling shop that sells a variety of goods, including but not limited to jewellery, Totems, plushies, engineering goods, herbs and various trinkets & curios! We are the mercantile branch of the Meridian Edict, about which you can read more here.

Our website: https://sites.google.com/view/solsticebazaar/home

Contact information: https://sites.google.com/view/solsticebazaar/ooc-info?authuser=0

Forum Thread of our Guild: [N-RP] The Meridian Edict 🏡

:hourglass: Our Current Timetable :hourglass_flowing_sand:

Friday, 19th May, 20:00 RT - Crossroads
Tuesday, 23rd May, 20:00 RT - Dalaran Market
Wednesday, 7th June, 20:00 RT - Booty Bay Market
Tuesday, 13th June, 20:00 RT - Dalaran Market
Friday, 23rd June 20:00 RT - Crossroads
Tuesday, 27th June, 20:00 RT - Dalaran Market
Wednesday, 5th July, 20:00 RT - Booty Bay Market


Sounds very interesting, i’ll keep an eye out for you at the next market event!


Hello everyone! The Solstice Bazaar will be open tonight in :crystal_ball: Dalaran :crystal_ball: for the market evening!

Please refer to the initial post above for contact information, our shop catalogue and our timetable for the future as well. We hope to see you there!


Hi all! The Solstice Bazaar will be open tomorrow night at the
:skull_and_crossbones: Market at the Bay in Booty Bay, Stranglethorn :skull_and_crossbones:

Please check out the first post in this thread for all our FAQ including opening times :mantelpiece_clock:, our shop catalogue :open_book: etc.

We hope to see you there! :peace_symbol:


Hello all! The Solstice Bazaar will be open tonight, in…
:crystal_ball: Dalaran for the Trade Night :crystal_ball:
We will OOC be at Curiosities & Moore!

As usual, please consult the initial post for our goods, services and opening times!

See you there!


Hello everyone!

Solstice Bazaar arrives to Crossroads tomorrow, at 8 realm time. Looking forward to meeting you all there and see our starting post for more information and list of goods!

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