[N-RP] The Travelling Lorewalker

I play Sun Shiao, a travelling Lorewalker. I wanted something new and different, and so my aim with him will be (unsurprisingly) travelling across Azeroth, emulating the life of Song. As Song once travelled from one end of the Pandaren Empire to the other, sharing the wisdom of Kang, Sun Shiao will be sharing equal wisdom, as well of other tales from the Pandaren (and hopefully learning new stories from the people of wider Azeroth).

I have him on both factions (A: Shiao, H: Sunshiao), which will only serve to better the experience for all. I will be using this thread to share when and where I will be hosting lessons and discussions. Please use this thread, message me in-game, or contact me over Discord @ svadas - if you would like to have a short-term guild tag-along, to suggest a location/topic, offer feedback, or even just a friendly bump.

I did this back in 2019 and 2020, so I’ve just copied what I wrote back then. Look forward to what’s ahead!


finally, some good hecking roleplay.

This has to be one of the best looking initiatives I’ve seen on these forums for a good while now, I’m looking forward to have my orc (and maybe his friends) come along to hear some wisdom whenever possible. Good luck, friend!


Would you be interested in doing a talk night at The Rose Inn in Gilneas about March time? This is so wholesome.


I love this, I will keep an eye out!


Welcome by the Curious Octopus in Boralus sometime :slight_smile:

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Sounds like some fun awesome RP, Shiao! I hope it will turn out well!


This sounds like a lovely concept, looking forward to reading where the journeys take the Lorewalker!

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I’ll do my best! Please do remind me closer to the time!

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