(N-RP) Wednesday tavern night of the Revival Initiative

A small piece of papers are hanging from the weirdest places. An invitation is scribbled on them.

"Citizens of Azeroth, it is time to put our differences aside for a while. We wholeheartedly invite you to a friendly meeting taking place in Dalaran upon the Broken Isles at Legerdemain lounge. We welcome every denizen of Azeroth to come and share a drink. However, we ask you to leave your weapons and hatreds outside the tavern doors. We also ask you to leave your animal companions and demons at home.
Raylen of the Alliance,
Liliannei of the Horde
. "

OOC invite :

Hey all! I would love to invite you to this faction neutral event. Why Dalaran? Because it stands as a place where both factions stood against the Legion and therefore seems like a best place to perform a faction neutral event. I would like to start around 20:00 CET, 27th November (Wednesday!), maybe later (or sooner) If needed.

What do you need for that? A good mood, few drinks and Elixir of Tongues (if anyone shows up, that’s it.)

If anyone decides to show up, please let me know so I can prepare. Or let me know if time’s a problem and I’ll try to adapt.

Looking forward to see you!


Always here to support others’ RP initiatives. I’ll be there!


On which day/date is it?


Oh sorry, 27th November ^^


Will show up

(on an alt, probably, but I’ll try to keep it blue - not that anyone’s counting, in times of peace, but I feel like the Horde is generally better at showing up for these things than Alliance is)

if nothing comes up,

love the initiative and the reasoning!


Interesting! I will try to be there.


perhaps its indeed time to rekindle a few old alliance friendships


Dear interested parties, I present you a plan of the evening.:

While you are not forced to participate in any competitions, you can make the meeting more enjoyable by doing more than just sitting and conversating with fellow atendees.

During the evening, we will hold our very first Drinking contest.

But do not worry our sober friends! For those who are rather not-so-drunk, we will share our War, Love and personal stories! (If you are interested in that, you can always just tell a joke).

What is important after heavy drinking? Heavy dancing! Be it on a floor, table or passed out commoner, everyone deserves a day off!

For those of kind and peaceful soul, you can present us your very own poetry.

Hidden note

Or DRUNKEN poetry.

And while you can just come and enjoy an evening of relative peace you have a great opportunity to make new friends and enemies!.


Dulvarinn calmly strokes his beard while reading the post:

– ‘Peace poured into tankards? Well, the Ledgerdemain Lounge is indeed a fine choice. Their Suramar Spiced Tea is excellent for studies during midnight and their Kaldorei Ginger Wine brings the morning to the evening. Why not indulge for a while?’


Attention! Due to real life messing up a bit, I am forced to postpone the event by 1 hour. We start at 20 CET!


Ready to rumble? :beers:


Something did come up.
Hope y’all have a great time! :slightly_smiling_face:


And so, the three hour event ends!

After a less promising start due to my inexperience, awkwardness and not-so-much great speech, we went on a peacefull evening full of drinks, conversations and a lovely poem by Dulvarinn!

Werid getting know each other, fun talks, rude questions, what ifs debates, Sylvanas talks, drinks and cheese tasting, we had it all!

I hope you guys had fun, I still need to get more experienced at making events!
See you next time!


Good job on hosting! I wish I could have been there, but I’m still sick with the flu and falling asleep early. I hope you manage to organize more events like this in the future.


While it took some effort to figure out a reason for a few members of the Hand to actually be in Dalaran, we managed to crash the party regardless. :beers:

Thank you for hosting, Raylen! I’d love to see you join the ranks of the RP providers of the realm, so I eagerly await more events. :wink:


Perhaps, for a long time, a few members of the Hand had reasons not to be in Dalaran.


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