[N-RP/Cross-Realm] The Drowned Rat: Tavern Hours (Every last Saturday of the month!)

WHAT: Social Tavern RP
WHEN: Every last Saturday of the month @ 8PM Realm Time
WHERE: Booty Bay, Stranglethorn Vale
CONTACT (HORDE): Vralka-ArgentDawn
CONTACT (ALLIANCE): Katya-TheSha’tar

Since the cross-realm guilds are finally a thing, I figured I might post this little thing here as well. Social tavern RP!


Mhh… what is the capacity? How many can you host?
Cause-… if I were to come with all my friends… (3)
You might need to expand real quick. :thinking:

(Just a sincere question. What kind of theme will there be during these nights? I’d like to get some social aspect in to my guild. But I need to make sure that it all fits together properly.)

We provide your typical seedy tavern experience, complete with questionable booze, mildly concerning meat products and a slightly smelly bouncer. Booty Bay’s finest!

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Mhh… Knowing my guildies.
You might need to up your security to three smelly guards. They’d like that more. :joy:

So this is on tomorrow at 8pm in game time ye?

It’s today (on the 27th)!

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As we go into the War Within, one thing remains unchanged: awful booze you can get at the Drowned Rat. We meet again on the 31st!

Gotta respect the effort into getting rp into booty bay! Big kudos!

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Tonight we meet again in the Booty Bay! You don’t have to bring your own booze; we got plenty of it.

(If there can be worms in tequila, there can be cockroaches in grog. It’s stylish, I heard.)

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