da ich als Schichtarbeiter bisher leider wenig Erfolg mit einer Raidgruppe hatte hier mal eine Frage ob es denn eine deutsche Gruppe gibt die denn auch mal Nachts Raidet.
Sprich nach einer Spätschicht z.B.
Ich bin auf dem Server Lone Wolf und spiele einen Paladin (Tank oder DD).
It’s not my rules, it’s the OFFICIAL rules of the forum. Maybe you should read them?
Post in English, and English only
Moderators need to be able to read everything you write to make sure it’s not unsuitable for the forums. If we can’t, we have to assume the worst and consider the post a breach of the forum guidelines. Posts not in English are subject to deletion. Note: an extra version in English is not good enough, as a moderator can’t verify that the non-English text is the same as the English one.
btw I do speak more than one language, one of which is German.
English is taught in schools and mandatory in all European countries, most big international companies speak English at any sort of management level and above, and so forth.
TL;DR this whole EU thing just works better if we can all agree to speak our common language amongst each other, and save the complete mess it would be if we all spoke our native language expecting anyone to understand that.
Also, it’s literally the official guidelines for using this forum. For good reason.