Nameplate Distance?

HI there,

anybody wondering about nameplateMaxDistance?
It appears its not changeble at all?

Whats MaxDistance in Vanilla and are there ways around, to get nameplates shown which are further away than 40.


It’s capped to 20, there are no ways to get around it

Meh. Thanks

By Muradin’s beard! I read that you can use exponent number types, like so for 60 yards

/run SetCVar("nameplateMaxDistance", "6e1")

This would be practically unlimited nameplate distance

/run SetCVar("nameplateMaxDistance", "1e4")

Apparently they forgot to validate after exponent number type strings get casted to numbers


You should be aware, that using those commands, or sharing them, is against the
end-user-license-agreement (C.ii.1)

anti-cheating-agreement (1.B)

termination-of-service-agreement (1 & 2.A).


You’re right, exploiting bugs is against EULA. But they will probably just hotfix it in the next patch

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