Hello, I was currently using this script to visualize the nameplates of friendly NPCs without the need to target them. I had to use the command to reset the UI with a character and after configuring and using the script again, it no longer takes effect. The script is the following: /run SetCVar(“nameplateOtherAtBase”,0). The add-on that I use for the nameplates is Tidy Plates, but I have already verified that even with the add-ons disabled, the friendly nameplates are not displayed without the need to target them. Any ideas?
Enable the Always Show Nameplates option in the game settings, then hit shift-v to enable friendly nameplates.
I followed the steps previously, so I used a script to force it. It didn’t work. Other characters of mine that I didn’t reset the interface for can still see the plates (green health bars) without targeting.
I hope this helps!
Make sure these are on
/console nameplateShowAll 1
/console nameplateShowFriends 1
Pick your poison
/console nameplateShowFriendlyNPCs 1
/console nameplateShowFriendlyPets 1
/console nameplateShowFriendlyGuardians 1
/console nameplateShowFriendlyTotems 1
/console nameplateShowFriendlyMinions 1
/console nameplateShowFriendlyMinus 1
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