Nathrezim in Revendreth inconsistencies

How come this whole time we were in Revendreth(Demon Hunters mostly) were not able to see them with our “spectral sight” and alert everyone? Even Vashj said she learned to spot them at the begining of the quest chain from a demon hunter(Illidan).

Seems lazy writing strikes again.


Yep, lazy writing it is. There’s no way Elves who sacrificed everything to hunt down demons throughout the universe would have never once thought to use their spectral sight in the Shadowlands, and being fooled by Kintessa was the most embarrassing point of it all. We know the playing character is an idiot, but this is almost insulting


I guess the canon Maw Walker is not a DH. :wink:


Since 9.0.5, you were able to see them.

In-game, yeah. Lorewise its still crap.

That’s the question we should be asking you. You guys have been letting your guard down ever since we defeated the Legion.

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I wouldn’t call it an inconsistency. Nathrezim adopt the nature of their prey. Which means they behave like vampires to an extent, now legion Nathrezim contain fel. But there is nottrace of fel in Shadowlands and demon hunters hunt demons right? But there is not a single demon in Shadowlands.

It is inconsistency as when the quest chain starts, Vashj explicitly states that she learned to recognize them from a Demon Hunter and actually kills her impostor at the start of the chain.


Weird then, cause technically they are not demons and never were.

More than half of the Nathrezim that the player had to track and/or kill during these new quests in Revendreth were seen on Azeroth, as demons from the Burning Legion. Although they’re Death creatures, consuming fel turned them into demons just like the Eredar did. Unless a retcon is on the way, we have no example of a demonic creature going back to their original form.

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Wait, what new quests?

This week’s quests with Kael’thas and Lady Vashj, which is what this thread is about

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On a more serious note…

I’ve wanted more Nathrezim stuff for ages. But now that it is here, I find it hard to care at all.

I didn’t want them in the Shadowlands I don’t care about.
I didn’t want them loyal to the Jailer-stuff I don’t care about.
I didn’t want “kill 5 dreadlords” quests that treat them like common mobs.
I didn’t want their reveqls to be without any impact.

I guess that story hasn’t fully played out, yet, but I’m just past putting any expectations on future developments, and I’m just judging what I’m getting. And that’s a whole lot of meh.


It is easily explained, shadowlands is different realm of existence, so some things work differently there, spectral sight that works perfectly in physical realm might be useless in realm as shadowlands where it can be disturbed by other interferences.

Then how come the DH and Vashj were able to see the Nathrezims by using the same technique they used on Azeroth? The devs could have used your explanation, but they didn’t

Maybe they looked closer, because now they expected the dreadlords. Just an idea.

Which would confirm that the DH player is an idiot :woman_shrugging:

The player-char being an idiot would be nothing new.

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We agree

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listen, as someone who likes to play dh tank i have an honest explanation.

come back to me in 7 business days. bank holidays not included. weekends that are also considered work days in some practices also not included.

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