Nazjatar Changes need to be reverted ASAP

Today I played through a Naz’jatar battle event and saying it was a total one sided stomp would be understating it. Before the “balance” fixes (emphasing on quotation marks), alliance could just enter a certain shard where they were winning and get some rewards, without having to be stomped by horde. Horde would just win in their shards, everyone was happy (except those few that thought this state of things is not ok).

We made a raid as alliance, battle started, we started capping some flags. We saw hordies, we though it’s just a horde raid and thought it’s pretty balanced and we’ll have to fight for it this time, which was completely fine by me. But as soon as we reached to support 1 flag which was attacked by 20 hordes, another flag somewhere was attacked by 20 hordes. Then another. In the same time we had like 4 flags each with 20 to 30 hordes and we simply didn’t have the numbers to do anything and lost.

So, from this experience, we draw 2 lessons:

  1. The balance change is bad because the horde war mode participation is much higher than alliance. Not to mention that alliance players give up way, way, way, way, way faster than horde players when they see they start losing. Horde just overruns us at all flags by having multiple 40 man raids in 1 shard, thus being impossible to win as alliance. Of course, you can say: “why isn’t alliance doing the same thing ?”. One reason, is the one said above, that they give up extremely easy. But another reason why this is unreasonable or undesirable is:

  2. Having a lot of full 40 man raids in 1 shard leads to EXTREME UNPLAYABLE LAG. I have to press instant hit abilities 15 times for them to be done, I can’t move properly, my movement abilities lead me further than they should, I can’t use defensives on time, I can’t use CC on time, my casting bar abilities take 5 times more to cast, it’s literally UNPLAYABLE.

In what world does Blizzard define as fun, 100 people all randomly pressing their buttons, not knowing what happens because of this extreme lag which makes everything super unpredictable and unreliable ?
Blizzard has no infrastructure to sustain such large scale PvP, yet they make “BALANCE CHANGES”, which clearly just favor horde in a state of things that already favor them immensely both in PvP and PvE (alliance already had to turn war mode off to kill any rares cause horde are everywhere in groups killing them and alliance players).

This change has to be reversed ASAP, otherwise no single alliance player will continue joining these events, meaning no more event since they don’t trigger unless there’s a balanced number of players.

Everyone else reading this should also keep making threads and pestering Blizz about it, or they’ll just leave things as they are, in favor of Horde, which already has tons of advantages in all aspects of the game.

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Can’t win em all :smiling_face:

I’ve found the battles quite variable and fun. The race to the npcs is a fun alternative to the flag battle, and can be a fun wpvp fight too.

I rarely get lag, only when 40v40 and all those spells being cast. Make me wonder if it’s a graphics issue. In settings you can define different graphics for bgs and raids, but not for WM. Problem with doing that for wm is, there’d have to be a reload when X players at your location. Anyway, tempting to try lower basic graphics to see if no lag at 40v40.

It’s not about winning them all, but about having a fair chance at winning. With the changes Blizz recently made, alliance will win the pvp event once per year or so.

Related to the lag, it’s not graphics wise. FPS (frames per second) is what can be affected by having a bad graphic card, not the lag (latency). The servers Blizzard have cannot support many people at the same time in Nazjatar without leading to extreme input lag (like I described in the original post). Literally everyone I asked in general chat during the event said they had horrible unplayable lag.

I know very well how FPS and Lag work, I don’t speak randomly.

Are u trolling?> Or plain dumb?

Please no! not without fixing shardhopping and sahrding in general. Just add a queue when you port in and fill shard for shard. But reverting means i have to look for alli-raidgroup in winning zone - thats no fun. i want fights and pvp in it :smiley:

OK edit: i had the honor to play the event again. I didnt get to one mob hahahaha revert it BUT fix that shardingsh* same time - tomorrow please.

Then how come when I am on top of darazalor pyramid for example, 40v40+, there is no lag initially. As soon as combat starts, my screen covered in spell efects, lag starts. Seems graphical related to me. Why else is there a setting for different graphics in bgs and raids?

When there are a lot of people nearby doing their skills, there’s a lot of inputs the server have to process in the same time, thus leading to a lot of lag. When you sit at the top of the pyramid people mostly move around, they don’t do anything intensive and even if they do, they’re not really in your proximity.

I’d have to agree with the OP here. Supposedly the “fix” was put in place so the battle wouldn’t start unless the shard has faction balance and both sides are about equally represented (i.e. stand a roughly equal chance to win).

What happened in the 3 battles I was in yesterday was anything but that. Each time the Horde had at least 3-4 full raids, if not more. Mezzamere was continously occupied with one full raid, while each flag had about 20 people at them. And what of the Alliance? We barely managed to get one full raid going on that shard and just got lolstomped. Ended up waiting in a safe spot to get loser’s rewards.

This is hardly what I would call “fixed”. What they need to do is exactly what was suggested above - implement a queue and only let equal numbers of WILLING participants in. Maybe there were more Alliance in Nazjatar for those battles I was in, but it doesn’t matter if they don’t participate.

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Latest changes are useless I get ported to alliance hub in Nazjatar and insta-killed by 10 horde players camping the portal.

How about you make town guards a little bit more meaningful, so that the opposite faction couldn’t camp the portal from Boralus at least?

the Hotfix made it much worse then before … before you where able atleast to pvp a bit even if you loss now its a f****ng lag fest if you are able to find a group at all they are so fast full.

and the Naga Bosses Replacment event on unbalanced shards is a joke as the underdog faction you not even have a chance to get one of the kills made it much worse for the underdog faction too

Wasted 40 min to win the battle and no reward (yes I had the buff and it was my first battle of the day even). Great…

Noooo, pls, no queue system in wpvp. That’s a bg. We already have bgs. If you want to queue for a fair fight, join a bg.

Everyone there IS WILLING. They toggled wm on and entered the zone, and stayed until event started. They chose it.

Nazjatar battle is an open world no rules chaosfest, wpvpers have been waiting for a capture objective zone for a looooong time.

Want fair? Join a bg.

Dude what are you talking about ? It’s known since a lot of time that Horde participates in WM much more than Alliance. It’s not much at all to want equal chances of winning. When you have 1-2 raids vs 4-5 raids it doesn’t matter at all how well you play and when there is this atrocious lag, I guarantee you it’s not fun for anybody, neither for Alliance or Horde. Of course, there are some players that have 2ms somehow because they live in the server room, but that’s just an exception.

Uh… join or start a raid. Not rocket science. Fun is subjective. If you don’t like chaos, you will never be 100% happy in wm.

I did join raids, but people usually start leaving after they see there are 3 red flags capped. Besides that, even with a full raid, you are still heavily outnumbered by horde having multiple raids in the same shard. If you try to leave and create another raid, you get phased out of the shard, so you’re forced to stay inside that raid and have only certain people that belong to that shard create the raids, which is unreliable cause from these people most don’t speak at all or don’t want to take on this responsability.

Edit: Creating a raid is also more difficult cause the battle doesn’t start in all shards either.

Im ok with this but remove the rewards from it than or move then elsewhere where you need invest same amount of time for it.

Sometimes things go your way, sometimes not. Other faction can have same issues. Both have challenges, but more organized team wins.

Best thing to do is lead raid yourself. Uncooperative raid members kick em, will be insta replaced. In raid yesterday, about 10 were obsessed with bounty at base, kick. Keep on top of situation.

Won’t always work out. Fun to try.

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