We’ve heard your feedback (and experienced it ourselves) – there can be lopsided faction representation during the “Battle for Nazjatar” event. We’ve seen cases where only one faction is represented.
To address this, we’ve now changed it via hotfix so the “Battle for Nazjatar” will only become active when Nazjatar has a good mix of both Horde and Alliance players in War Mode. When that is not the case, an alternative event will become active called “Azshara’s Elite Commanders.” This is also available to players who are not in War Mode, and it also awards Nazjatar Battle Commendations for slaying Elite commanders during the event.
We’re continuing to monitor and investigate reports of server lag during the event, and we’re acting on feedback about significantly imbalanced areas. We’ll let you know as we make further changes.
Thank you for your patience and continued feedback!
Those changes suck imo, they could have used the mercenary system like in Ashran like most ppl said…
So the event won’t start without a balanced shard.
Now, what’s the stop someone from bringing in a 40 man raid once it’s begun?
This solves no problems and it might even make things worse. It effectively means it’s gonna be harder to find a Battle for Nazjatar event, so there’s going to be even more shard hopping trying to find one (especially for the weekly world quest).
So they tried to fix a pvp event with a pve one? Are blizz thick they totally miss the point everytime, they think everything is pve and it solves all of lifes problems.
Also its after the event start that 40 mans are made cause i create and join them myself so doesnt fix that does it how daft can you get
And coming next week. Elite Commanders removed from War Mode due to the superior side tagging everything.
Solves nothing. Faction raids will continue to meet individuals, rather than each other.
how HARD is THAT?
What do you expect from a indie company?
This is just bad, really bad.
Prime example.
Suddenly whilst doing WQ’s today, i’ve seen more alliance then i have done in a week, they by far outnumbered the horde i saw while doing the wq’s.
Still the pvp event did not launch, so that just solidifies the argument that WM should have a locked period. The alliance horde ratio is far off, but it seems about even when you consider those with WM on, that being when events are not active.
So it should be a option you select after each reset, WM on this week ? Yes/No.
Then you see true numbers from H/A ratio, if it is as scewed after such a experiment, then do the mercenary thing, give a 5-15 min selection, this faction needs X for the battle to start. Actually, that would be awesome, and truly create proper battles.
Welp I appreciate them trying to do SOMETHING but that’s pretty bad. At least with the pvp event the roflstomped faction could get a consolation prize of 4 tokens. Now you get nothing because the commanders are impossible to tag on massively imbalanced shards. I waited at the most far off spawn point seeing no one else around but the second it spawned it got swarmed by ten horde.
Mercenary mode or disabling rewards for the battle while in a raid group as a lot of people have suggested would’ve been a much better move.
Yeah had the same expirience on my shard. Saw lot of horde an alliance (never had that before) and it didnt started. But the zone is larger then i can see - maybe there where groups of alliance and horde i didnt see. And /who showed me only 40 players in zone/shard.
I’ts a big questionmark for me how WE should see how many players are in shard - maybe they have to make it like in the BG’s so the underdogs can invite players to balance it so event starts. But this is really worse game-design.
While this isn’t sort to say the most elegant solution it will atleast stop the camping of bases and the 40vs0 events. Not fun for neither side. But yeah how hard is it to fix their shards and sharding? Just force balanced shards. You invite a raid during the event? You get phased away instead of roflstomping the enemy and forcing them to log for 30M+ or waiting as a ghost.
People don’t like raids phasing in right next to them, so your solution would prob not be too popular.
Whole raid phasing actually happens. The sweet spot seems to be somewhere veteen 25 and 30 raid members. Any more and you’re almost certain to have a whole raid change shard.
Saw the commander event happen today. Was over in less than two minutes.
Ye, but Destruct wants forced balance, all raids insta gone. They have to go somewhere. And increasing the amount of players getting shunted just means extra appearing and disappearing. People don’t like that. So, ye, we prob already have a compromise sweet spot.
Real way to fix this is to reduce the number of damn shards there are. Honestly, if there are is a Horde Dominating Raid on one Shard and an Alliance on another then why do we have two shards for a PvP event?
Forcibly close/merge shards when they become near empty. Have a set player cap per faction on each shard so that either faction has the opportunity to get an equal number of people in. Even if you have to offer a shard-transfer to players in other shards to come and join a now “unbalanced” event and fill out the opposing faction numbers? Just have a small pop-up that offers a minor reward (maybe a temporary small buff) just for bumping over to the bew shard.
People wouldnt have to take the offer and the previous shard could eventually be closed if the population dries up in this way. Just keep on filling up the lowest amount of shards.
Actually fix the damn servers to be able to cope with large numbers of players on both sides, and their bodyguards, BEFORE you implement a massive participation open-world psuedo-battleground!
Honestly, can Blizzard stop just half assing everything and actually give some soul and enthusiam to the game’s development? Especiallt in PvP its as if the bare miminum is done and no further thought is given to ensure it actually runs smoothly!
Who says they have to go to a anathor shard with people? phase them to a shard where there is anathor raid. So the person thinking it’s funny to invite 39 others, to imbalance the entire event now gets to fight anathor 40m LFG raid. In your world they are in WPvP so they should enjoy it they now to have to put in effort. If they don’t it just proves they like to roflstomp the competition and nothing else. Not saying every raid but if it’s 30 vs 40 then the 30 people can still get 10 people invited. Especially if one the 40 man group says “I will invite anathor raid” he will get sharded alogn with the other 39 invited to fight somewhere else.
Imagine if these were BGs, you could just invite raids into them while they were busy. Would make them unplayable in less than a hour after it’s made possible. That’s how the Nazjatar event should be treated balance wise, balance should be relativly balanced and not lopsided (because everybody just keeps making full raids to fight the few or sometimes zero people on the opposing side for a free effortless win).
Problem: number of members in raid can constantly fluctuate… what happens if their raid goes down to say 10? Do they stay in new shard, or get put back to where they came from? Either way, annoying for the raid members. Raids are already moved if needed, but why increase the amount this happens.
Also, when the raid is shunted out, their faction are now possibly outnumbered on the original shard… which means more players shunted into the original shard to balance it. More appearing and disappearing of players.
Seems like this would just make the problem worse. People are already complaining about getting moved from shard to shard. Why should players that solo be favoured over players that group up, in a multi player game.
But the event not intended to be ‘fair’ like a bg is. WM is a random chaos gankfest. This event is just a PvP objective within that gankfest.
As usual, from worse to even more worse…i dont get it why they use this downwards spiral and tey their best to make players leave the game…
This isn’t fixing the problem, this is hiding the problem under a table and pretend that the problem is gone…