Nazjatar horde bias

Are you 100% sure? Will Check later this week on a new 120 alt

The Grass is always greener on the other side.

If only people realized this, we wouldn’t have these horde bias and alliance bias forums.

Yes, I’m absolutely sure, not doing the elemental quest on ally saves a little bit of time, but it’s still obviously horde biased, even if you account for the fact that early on the nazjatar line horde has those arrows to kill stuff faster and ally doesn’t (special action button).

@Kalfana: I have 50 hordes level 120 and soon 45 allys, I play heavily on both as you can see, I have no reason to complain about a faction being biased, I’m just stating what I saw.

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Horde Naz Intro

Alliance Naz Intro

So you just proved there is clear horde bias. Thanks. Best mvp

I have like half of those :sob: damn. Thanks for stating truth despite these karma farmers harassing all my threads

How about main hub for this expansion? Alliance got pretty much everything in a center hub,while horde had to fly around just to get from a to b…

i hate Nazjatar zone so muth … just terrible zone takes forever to get quests and all grinding done …

Yeah but if you did that what would Sillybutor have to post about?
10 minutes without posting about Horde bias and Sillybutor gets… well. Silly.

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Now do that as alliance on fresh 120 and see how much longer it takes

I have a few alliance alts and never even noticed it took longer then horde.

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