Nazjatar horde bias

After getting all my 25 horde alts to 120 to camp nazjatar and later reilun and doing the quest line I found out this piece of unfair treatment that favours the horde:

The alliance introduction to nazjatar includes a tedious quest to calm down water elementals(bring to 30% and click a channel spell) subject to abuse by others, bugged ui not clicking the elemental stone, or the elementals dying.

Meanwhile horde introduction is just kill 2-3npcs in zones that you can fly. So super fast esp with druids

Again proving that no alliance devs exists and that the horde devs don’t give a flying Tauren about alliance


So alliance gets a bit more content to do for the opener? Interesting :thinking:

Have to agree, the evidence you present is rather damning.

My faith is lost.


When I saw this thread, I assumed it was in reference to the fact that one of the Ankoan bodyguards says that “this war can only end in victory or death” - and we all know that the Horde motto Lok’tar Ogar means “victory or death”. If I pop my tinfoil hat on for a moment, I’d guess that the bodyguard was put in to influence Alliance players into developing a Horde mindset…

I don’t recall the Alliance Nazjatar intro being any easier/more difficult than the Horde one. Both suck if you have low gear (and can’t fly), both are easier with more gear and flying :woman_shrugging:


Guess you didn’t actually do it so. Well played

That quest can be a nightmare for fresh 120s. If you accidentally pull more than one you better get the hell out of dodge.
Never had an issue with it bugging out, but it is annoying when some geared af player swoops down as their twilight beam completely disintegrates everything within 100 yards.


Just do a horde one vs alliance one same lvl. See how big a difference to difficulty and annoyance it is

Yes, noticed this too, takes quite a bit longer, but you can skip the water elemental quest on ally, I’ve only been told after unlocking 80 chars through nazj…


Even Ankoan Guard is horde biased… :frowning:

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Can someone post a gif of someone hammering their own head into a wall…


Because it isn’t. It’s Retri fulfilling his daily chore “post horde bias”

Every now and again, albeit rarely, he likes to wander a while amongst the reasonable. Then he realises he’s out of his comfort zone, so puts on his clown mask, takes off his shoes and runs back to frolic on Insanity Beach.

How? Lol plz help

Compare horde base camp to alliance base camp and you might think Blizzard favors the Alliance… but ofc that’s not true. I’m not sure why you all fuzzed up about this matter

How does a 15 mins quest vs 5mins quest compare to a base camp? What do u do in base camp? U walk and take quest and go in portal. Troll

Lol I wanted to explain myself but why would I even bother. You clearly aren’t listening and seem like you doing care what others have to say because you think you’re right

15 whole minutes? Oh my, how will you ever get that time back again?!


By simply not taking that quest and just doing the other one to kill that 500k mob in the cave, it will give you the follow up which I think is the 15-naga-kill quest, and then unlock wq without need to do the annoying elemental one.

That’s horde only

It’s not true, go check, alliance gets 3 quests once you go back to nazjatar, killing the mob in the cave, using that item on the 8 elementals and killing the 15 nagas, then you unlock wqs and I recently discovered the elemental one is not needed.

Horde needs to do a lot less stuff, they have a different cave to enter and they have to kill a mob, I think that’s it.