Puzzle Performer is one of the most RNG heavy achievements in the game currently. It’s the final step for me (and many others) to complete the BfA Farewell to Arms meta, I only need one (1) more puzzle, but it has been over two months and the one I need has yet to pop. I’ve been checking every day.
Blizz have nerfed some of the other RNG heavy achievements in Mechagon and a few in Nazjatar, yet Puzzle Performer has not had the same treatment, and I can’t figure out why.
Someone on Wowhead did the math, there are 18 different Runelocked chests, and if each of these chests has an equal chance of spawning (5.56%) per day, there is a 20% chance the chest you need may not appear for an entire month. It could take 81 days before there is a 99% chance you’ll see the chest you need.
BfA was full of RNG heavy achievements/drops, maybe it made sense at the time to pad out the game, but in reality it’s incredibly frustrating for players. It really stinks to go to so much effort to get to 99% completion for Farewell to Arms only to get stuck at the very end by complete RNG that the player has no control over.
Please, Blizzard. Please consider nerfing this achievement like you have with the others, even reducing the requirement by 5 would help hugely