Who tought this hotfix was a good idea ? What is happening now PvP event is spawned on a very few aliance shards and they are being invaded by 4-5 horde raids.Atleast before the hotfix there were many aliance groups and we won some.
imgur .com/a/xCA9F8m
Ive never seen that many hordes on my screen , the whole shard had a 2 sec delay and i only saw 2 groups in LFG tool for nazjatar pvp event.
I think the hotfix was fine, Ive had several events where the whole time I could not find 1 alliance player and therefore no credit. They should however do something about making it even more unbalanced if people can invite raids over.
Decent ratio ? Imagine this scenario , event starts aliance opens up 2 raids they fill slowly , horde opens up 10 raids and they instantly fill and dominate + lag the server.
So before there were alliance and horde dominated shards, so everyone eventually could find a shard to win. Now most shards are forced to play the boring PvE event (RP servers are permanently doomed) with almost no reward and those remaining are horde dominated, so no chance for Alliance to win.
Outstanding move. I’m glad I have my Battle for Nazjatar victory achievement. Now it’s impossible to get.
I don’t want to say that I told you so (Blizz…). But back when patch 8.0 was released and Warmode began in Darkshore, it was obvious to all that the feature would be a running nightmare to try and balance. There was an overpopulation of Horde back then, and it was inevitably only going to spiral further out of control.
It doesn’t matter what Blizzard does, so long as there’s an inherent faction imbalance in Warmode - and there is - then the result will always be the same. Lots of Horde, few Alliance.
Still boggles my mind that Blizzard went down this route, regardless of how awesome Warmode sounds on paper. They had the numbers! They must have known! Idiots.
The thing is that the event was perfectly fine until that “balance” fix. Everyone was happy getting their rewards, there was some PvP here and there too. But Blizzard for some reason wants to force 300 people on 1 shard even though they cannot sustain it, it’s mind boggling how nobody at Blizz has the ability to foresee how that change would lead to this state of things.
Just had the event on Outland, we had a full 40 man raid made up before the event started and quickly capped all 5 nodes. We were winning by like 800 before the whole zone started to lag like crazy and what appeared to be 100+ horde. Maybe 3 or 4 full raids.
They quickly overturned the battle, we where simply wiped off the map and the zone became unplayable. It ended with countless horde just raiding Mezzamere, and the horde won comfortably.
So don’t know how this fix has been implemented, but we went from full control to being stomped at the end.
With a track record they have on “fixing” things they should just keep their hands of because almost 100% guarantee every quick fix they do will only make things worse.
Blizzard really should go back to the drawing board and stop hot fixing or making quick bandage fixes on things.