Nazjatar PVP event too stupid even for Blizzard

Please, can i get 1 reward token for participatin in pvp against 20 x more enemies if i get debuff? And why is that stupid sharding. U Blizzard… doing hard nothing

The whole “battle” is a joke. Whenever it starts you just get one kill and jump to a winning shard of your faction. It´s almost impossible to lose that way.

The easiest Way to fix this would be to make this battle only occur every 6-8 hours with a chance to sign up for it like it was back in Tol Barad. No re-inviting other players, no shard hopping etc.
I know that might kill the actual “world pvp aspect” of it, but the current version has even less to do with it, especially since most people can fly now anyway.


They just need to disable phasing completely once the battle starts until it is over.
Let it start when there is somewhat equal horde and alliance players in that particular phase and don’t let anyone in or out of that phase until it’s over.

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Sharding and realm jumping are horrible. I hadn’t played Retail since early Cata and world PvP/content is in shambles.

Bring back PvP servers ty.

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