Blizz can you adds some gards to the city at least since you cant fix the sharding. Alliance city has 50+hordes camping portal every time sitting ghost and waiting for 0 / 3000 is not that fun.
I think alliance not using warmode is the problem not the sharding
Its really bad, like there so many lag, you cant do nothing
Not the lag you stand no chance as Alliance 9/10 times, if I don’t get a chance to loot chests and get swarmed every time Nazjatar starts, then I will make sure Horde players who defend this unbalanced population won’t get a tag. So no rewards as much as I can.
I think the biggest issue in that case, was that our base was swamped by an entire horde raid.
They were camping the portal into/out of Nazjatar, preventing us from leaving or even getting reinforcements in without them being obliterated. The second you ressed, half the raid would chase you until you died, with a few staying behind to teabag/corpse camp.
That freakin undead gryphon in Drustvar has better guards than Mezzamere and that’s not even a primary base.
Sharding is having its ups and downs, I think mainly due to large raid groups forming for farming rares. I’m constantly getting stuck in shards, in both Mechagon and Nazjatar, where there are 1-3 enemy raid groups utterly dominating the zone, effectively shutting it down for the other faction.
I have been on both sides of this story, when joining a raid to farm Mechagon rares, we totally screwed up the island for the Horde.
That’s why I keep replying to those people making raids is not a solution it just makes it worse. But ohwell I’m done figting unwinneable odds. If need to be I just log out as a ghost to deny rewards until it gets fixed.
The one we should have gotten as a mount, instead of pure recouler…
Guess what?
That was an almost daily routine in WoW’s PVP servers pre-legion…
I guess times change?
The reason they’re camping your base is because there is literally no Alliance out in the open.
Lol epic Blizzard fail, we have come to this crossroad again and again.
how the hell did they came up with the idea of making a pvp event when lijk 80% are Horde players? and why are there so many hordes? because every one knows Blizzard favors the Horde. i have played Horde for years. if i did 10000 BGs i think i have lost a 100. now i am Alliance since tanaan jungle, if i did 1000 Bgs i won like 10. Horde has better racials and in arathi basin used to get faster points then Alliance. me and some people i do BG’s with totally freaked out when Horde had 2 bases the entire match and we had 3 and we stil lost. so well done Blizzard making a game that is balanced isn’t your thing right
Actually, it is problematic to play it even on wining side. On my realm we always have 3000:0, however we can’t find ANY ally during battle… So, no marks or anything.
In this state that event is completely unplayable…
to many Horde so it is unplayable. 90% of the Horde are cowards they need to attack 10 vs 1 so you can not quest in nazjatar or do anything.
I’ve been playing actively in WM only since its launch but Nazjatar is the first time I’m having a problem with it as alliance. Of course there’s always been 40 man ganking, camping etc, I’m fine with those as part of the wpvp experience, but the fun part was forming counter raids to rout them which seems impossible now. No matter how persistent I am in putting a group together for every ally that joins there seems to be at least 5 horde. This wouldn’t be as much of an issue if not for the pvp event because it’s just flat out depressing lol, haven’t seen my faction ever get more than 180 points (most of the time it doesn’t even exceed 50) against the horde’s 3k. Mezzamere getting camped by a full raid has occured at least twice every day on my shard, I assume it’s way faster for them to get kills like this than spend hours tracking down lone allies that may or may not be questing somewhere on the other side of the map.
I think group finder is a big factor in why this is happening since even shards that start out more or less balanced will spiral into madness the second a “battle for nazjatar” group is put up for a particular faction to swarm into for easy wins. Disabling the reward system for it while in a raid group would be a good way to alleviate the problem IMO.
Won last two I was in, was fun.
A solution I can stand behind. Limit it to 5 man groups. Go beyond treat it just for questing no rewards or quest progression.
Let me guess you joined a raid… yeah that’s just like the rogues always going “I don’t get corpse camped, losers”.
Yup, raid is optimum for winning.
And creates the situation why I keep losing, complety unbalances a shard. So it’s be bored and win or suffer.
free honor
Did you get sharded into a RP realm? I’m not trying to downplay your experience, just genuinely curious. I’ve looked for raid groups in LFG a lot but the only one so far that was winning was one from AD where the ratio is known to be reversed. It’d be nice to have a chance at a somewhat fair fight somewhere else.
Don’t think so, not sure. There were plenty Horde at start, and they were fighting back, but gave up in first one. Other one I joined at end and won hehe!
free win right i take it