Nazjatar PVP event

i noticed earlier in this patch you changed it so the event won’t trigger unless the shard is balanced either that or i am mistaken. When i played as alliance it NEVER triggered EVER!

I am now playing back as horde and it finally triggered i thought sweet finally i can try it… Nope nope nope no you can’t
why you might ask?

oh thats right there is somehow 200 alliance vs 10 horde? what happened to this balancing the shards for the pvp event to trigger? if i am guessing is when the event has triggered you can just make a raid group and invite EVERY member of the alliance to the shard and it have 0 impact and it just brings them to the event.

i must say congratulations on making a world pvp event which, from the general chat on this shard i am on, says ‘Ignore the event get on with your daily business and forget about this zone’ kind of seems like you wasted your time making stuff that no one will do because you can’t balance anything!


Both sides can form a raid group.

I’ve actually noticed this too. Every event I’ve played has been total rollovers, not always the same faction winning but always a stomp that’s over in just a few minutes.

I’m not mad about it but curious why it’s happening.

just had this. its ******, it NEEDS to be changed to how wintergrasp was at the end, the side with the lower people gets buffed or have a limit on the amount of people that can be invited to a server,cos as it is now its witch side can make the most raid groups wins, I think the devs have given up with it though,

Must be able to do something about this.

While they are at it: keep it playable. I know having 50 players on a spot is heavy, but get real 6s lags?

May as well remove the whole battle. It is, once in a blue moon when it actually is a pvp battle, unplayable anyways.

Ye, what to do is, when battle starts, form a raid.

Then why let it only start when it is somewhat balanced. Makes no sense.

May as well revert that change. Or prevent layerhopping in raidgroups while the battle is active.

Its fairly hard to start a raid when you Zone into Newhome and insta-die to 2-3 alliance raids camping, have to sit there in ghost while they kill all the NPC’s and there are no raids forming…

Is it an alliance free loot week and +25 this week?

It starts when balanced so that both sides have equal opportunity when it starts. After it starts, that’s up to the players.

Better to start your own raid. On Alliance, I find that a 40 raid can be formed in a short space of time after event starts. Horde are the PvP faction, so it should be easier for you. Success will depend on many factors, including raid co-op - can’t win em all.

Horde are not the “PvP faction” Bit of an outdated cliche that…

Anyway, been outnumbered in Nazjatar all day. Both PvP events were several raids of alliance camping Newhome with no horde raid to be found. Every supply drop from the sky has 30-40 alliance to maybe 10 horde.

Something isn’t working properly…

There’s strong claims on forum that in WM Horde are PvP and Alliance are PvE. Maybe they can back up their claims with evidence :slight_smile:

The player that makes a raid gets a raid.

am I right in thinking if say at 10mins before reset loads of people list battle of naz groups get so many people in raids and crash the server not on purpose ofc, wouldn’t want that but if it happend maybe then they will do something about it?? just a thought

Never seen server crash due to naz battle. If it did, I’m sure they’d do something.

Its the same for horde at AD server…

Event pops, flags go red withing “seconds” horde win 2000-0 and then they raid mezz…

same S*hit every time. And it lags so hard, its impossible to even do proper pvp OUTSIDE a raid…

Cant imaged how it would be raid vs raid… prob afk coffetime…

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