Necessary changes for the hunters

So, if you want balance with the hunter make one simple thing, revert changes in BM rune as the beginning on 30% pet dmg and change rune position on the chest, put Melee spec rune on the hands and put Lone Wolf rune on the belt. It is simple! And make one additional change on BM rune add a row which forbidd Lion buff on the pet from another hunter. And done! Also if you want to have many options about the hunters remove the talent Improved Feign Death and replace it with talent for Mongoose Bite and Counterattack which increase their dmg with 100% dmg per point and allowing to use mongoose bite with this talent as normal ability! Then every spec will have the option to playing with or without pet, the BM spec will have the option to playing Melee or Range depend of the play style, and in same time the pet will be not so overpowered, but also the hunter will not suffer from lack of dmg, and every spec will be valuable! Start using your brains, if you can’t, ask the players who know the game better than you.

But you can use ranger BM now too i would say its pretty solid , especially in pvp

But you can use only BM at the moment and MM, the other spec is dead. That is the point, to have 3 valuable spec depend of your gameplay. No need limitations as before in the old Vanilla WoW, where survival was also dead spec. And if they make these changes, many of the survival hunters will pref to playing without pets. Also MM will be more flexible to choice to playing with pet or without.

Melee hunter is very bad in pvp.

Unless he is rushing in your back with his mount while you don’t have any CD up , it is the easiest class to kite.

Indeed and they still nerfing this class, and nobody know why they doing this! It is easy to be kited, do not have almost any def CDS specially vs casters, and when they nerf the main source of his dmg, then Blizzard can remove it as spec at all.

Kill Command also needs to be like its TBC/Cata version or similar (would rather it get a unique SoD change).

Hunters also need a rune overhaul so hopefully we get it in P4 but at this point I doubt it.

Some runes like Cobra Strikes or Invigoration have never been used and never will in their current state.

I’ve proposed changes to improve hunter runes and their pets before (click here), should you be interested.

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I have readed this before, but you have missed one big thing. Blizzard do not want to change nothing old, they want to rework it on very easy way and to put it in circulation. That’s why i gave them from their medicine, to change the position of these 3 runes Lone Wolf, Beast Mastery and Melee Spec. And they will fix so many thing with that, but i think these new teams have not enough knowledge for the game at all. And how they could have, they are 20 years old, they weren’t born yet when Vanilla WoW start. :smiley: