Neck rune - Faction balance improvement

And then everyone uses troll racial in every raid, lmoa, including horde!

Yes, I am ok with the full exchange of racial skills VERY MUCH SO!

Yes, opposite faction only might be great! Imagine undeads with 25% resist!

Also, I really think that 5% pet dmg might be relevant since BM set from ZG is 8% total, the Reals ring is 2%, so whole of BIS BM gear is 10% and racial is half of it. Might be a thing to watch and more importantly, a thing to trigger this discussion in the Blizzard team

okay, so now you’re saying its okay for every race on the alliance faction to run around in pvp with 25% stun resistance (because that’s exactly what would happen) while on the horde faction you only have orcs with that.

alliance as a whole now have inherent 25% stun resistance on ALL their races, while horde has 1 race with it.

sure we get stoneform, escape artist and perception, but 3/4 of our races can’t get the stun resistance while 4/4 of the enemy faction can get it.

horde rogues now extremely nerfed.


not in favor.

Yes my theory has flaws i see, maybe a restriction, only classes that an orc could be should be able to use hardiness?
Shamans do not exist on alliance so it would be “only” for warri, hunter, warlock and rogue maybe?
Same for all other racials. Berserking only usable with classes that trolls can be and so on.

I am glad that we’re seeing eye to eye that situation as is now is unbalanced.
I am glad we are having a good conversation about it and that we’re able to see drawbacks or benefits to it.

I for one would be ok with doing it in stages.

Give out all passives as rune on neck.
Then add all actives and see how things change around. I hope that Blizz has data which runes are most used.

Let’s continue the conversation and bring a more balance gameplay to SoD and hopefully, future Classic +

Considering that more or less all shaman utility has been given to the alliance (wf, tremor, str, agi, etc…) you can say, that shamans actually DO exist on alliance.

At this rate they might as well remove horde and alliance and make one big friendly faction. If you want everyone to have everything I suggest you go back to retail. SoD (and Classic) is not it, so please stop promoting such ideas here. Thank you.

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Here you go :cookie: