Neck rune - Faction balance improvement

Since we had the ring runes come in and change the landscape of what race/class combo is best with weapon proficiency skills why not add a neck rune?

Neck rune can be:
25% stun resist
5% pet dmg
5% int
5% total health increase
5% spirit
10% reputation gain
Spirit movement speed increased by 50%
Underwater breath increased by 300%

Exclude any resistances, professions or active abilities, just leave the passives.
Of course, same as ring rune, it cannot stack with your races passive, so if you’re human you can’t get 20% reputation or if you’re orc you can’t get 50% stun resist.


wholeheartedly agree, at this point it’s all Ogre anyways

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This is an EXCELLENT idea

uhm… why?
all the good alliance racials are not included in this list of “runes” so how in the world can you sit there and say this is for “faction balance”?!

this is a really poor and frankly blatant attempt at snatching up hardiness while giving :poop: all in return for it by token of “but those are active racials thus can’t be runes” or whatever your logic is here…

if you want hardiness, we want stoneform, shadowmeld, escape artist and perception.

the fact you only added like what, 3 alliance passives as if to give the illusion of a fair trade is just peak clownery as well.

try harder, elf scum.


you know what, i got a better idea.
how about we reverse this list and leave out all the passive racials for this neck rune idea.

that way you get:

Will Of The Forsaken.

and we get:

Escape Artist.

4 for 4.

see how that works?

or we could just scrap this bad idea altogether and stop cannibalizing everything that makes a class/race unique, how about that?

you know what, actually i’ll just say go back to retail where racials doesn’t matter and/or doesn’t exist, and you can enjoy your homogeny there.

so without further adieu: GO BACK TO RETAIL!!!


Just give all for all, that way no one can say they have the better racials, it will reduce role play and make race not matter anymore but at least people will shut up

on the contrary, if something like that was to happen, the meta for pve would immediately be “you will run berserking rune, and nothing else” (unless you are troll) while the pvp meta would likewise immediately be “you will run hardiness rune and nothing else” (unless you are orc).

orc would likewise get another “unfair buff” because now you got orc shamans running around with hardiness + stoneform, perception or escape artist which would be a significant boost in utility for them, and we’d have the same problem all over again.

troll would simply choose hardiness and become absolute monsters in pvp since they can now get a giga attack speed boost + hardiness, perception, stoneform (or even shadowmeld in case of hunter)

this would in fact hurt the alliance far more than it would hurt horde, because an orc or a troll running around with alliance racials + their own inherent racials is far more dangerous than a human, dwarf, nelf or gnome running around with hardiness or berserking on top of their own racials.

i mean hey, if you insist then i’d be all for it.
can’t wait for my orc to have the choice between berserking for pve and perception/stoneform/escape artist for pvp at the click of a button, on top of the racials i already have… bloodfury + berserking sounds like a lot of fun for pve tbh, even if bloodfury is a little bit awful…
hell, i might even go the route of choosing warstomp for pvp so my shaman can combine his wolves dogtier 2sec stun with warstomp and larp as a rogue.

like bro, if you think horde having an advantage in their racials now, wait till you see orcs and undead zugzuging with even more CC resistances… wotf + hardiness absolute kekw.

I have an even better suggestion. LEAVE FACTION DIVERSITY (or whatever’s left of it) THE F ALONE! Thank you.

Ok, lets take a step back before we allow the known forum troll to take over.

Zmug is Potatomilk, so the dude is schizo posting, pretending like its multiple people on the same trail of ideas. Secondly, Potato milk always magically posts for shaman support, so now you know why.

Now, since he isn’t able to see any advantage that horde inherently has slip away, but is ok with horde getting fear ward or weapon skill, lets break it down.

1 - Why passives
Some are very impactful and some will maybe be spec defining. What if what’s needed to push Demo or BM over the line to be raid viable and not a grief, with ZG sets is 5% extra pet damage and it’s only locked into orcs.
Why not allow everyone to have easier reputation build up with all the new reps we got.

I am sure Potato won’t admit that horde is heavily favored here so we can compare it all as equal. I didn’t start from that point either and I’d like it to not be implied.

2 - Why not professions and resistances?
Honestly, they are of very little impact. Arcane from gnomes is worthless, frost from dwarves can be useful in Naxx, but so can Shadow from UD. Nature from Cows and Nelves in AQ, sure. I wouldn’t mind that being part of the deal, but I REALLY HOPE we won’t have heat level kinda difficulty so it shouldn’t be impactful. I delineated here on a personal preference. Professions, same. I’d actually love to have +15 Herb when leveling up an alt. Or I’d love to be able to use +15 Engi when leveling that up on my PvP char.

3 - Why not actives?
Will of the Forsaken kinda goes with Forsaken, Stoneform with Dwarves. Only two actually impactful DPS racials, orc and troll ones, while benefiting horde more then ally, should, for some level of RP, faction flavour, stay in the line. I’m pretty sure this would be a bit too much and would also affect class/race combos to the extent that goes beyond what ring runes do now. We’d just end up with everyone using troll racial anyway.

Also, since the troll wants to do quick maths, 4 for 4, it is like so
25% stun resist, 5% total health, 5% pet dmg and 300% underwater breath for 5% int, 5% spirit, 10% rep and 50% spirit movement.

As for the “go back to retail” that’s triggered by this exchange of racials idea, we went over that bridge when ring runes happened and when priest racials, most notably Fear Ward were opened up for everyone.

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i mean, sure, feel free to pretend you alliance dogs got nothing in return for that, all you want, but i have faith in people being smarter than to share that notion.

we got mace, sword and gun skill, you got axe, bow and throwing skill (lol).
3 for 3, see?
remind me again what the BIS ranged weapon is?
oh right, that’s a bow.
remind me again what bis 1h melee weapon is?
oh right, that’s an axe, and next phase its going to be an axe as well, and the phase after that, a 2H axe is going to be the BIS 2H.

if you’re about to moan about human racials being useless now, i can only point you towards that human paladin over yonder, who is currently running +25 defense and holy hit% runes on his rings while still having +5 in his currently selected mace/sword.


hahahah right as if.

5% more pet damage is “heavily favored”
peak :clown_face:

we both know you don’t give a toss about that dog tier pet racial.
what you are after here is that sweet, phat hardiness passive.

bro you weren’t even trying to hide it in your OP, so just stop pretending because you aren’t fooling anybody with this nonsense.

you arbitrarily left out the useful passives for no reason whatsoever.
you make an overall argument for homogenization (cannibalization really) while sitting here pretending you care about the UnIQuE fLaVoUR of the racials.

you sit there saying this about the resistances and profession racials, but you also left out Night Elf’s Quickness passive racial which is 1% extra dodge from the list - not that its particularly great, but its better than the other dog tier alliance passives you were willing to put on the table, and by the way, so are the resistance passives.

nobody gives a :poop: about anything you put on that list other than maybe the gnome +5% intellect racial, so its a no effing bueno no matter how you slice and dice it dude. either show a bit of consistency in your sense of fairness or get lost and keep your racials and we’ll keep ours.

again, you aren’t fooling anybody.

oh, and hardiness does not go with orcs?
care to explain why not?

see this is what i mean.
are you really gonna look me in the proverbial eyes (while calling ME a troll) and tell me this is a fair trade?

bro, YOU are the troll here.

which is literally only ever useful on onyxia and basically nowhere else.

in return for that, you got hex/touch of weakness, shadowguard (which is cracked for shadowpriest as it can proc stuns), and devouring plague (which, again, is cracked for shadow priest).

i love how when horde says fear ward is great and that alliance have been doing ony on easy mode for the past 20 years they go “Nuh uh” but when it comes to trading racials, suddenly fear ward is basically the best racial in the entire game.

again, your suggestion is a flat out bad one and you aren’t even making an attempt at being fair about it.

this is like asking someone for a righteous orb and offering a stack of runecloth for it - no scratch that - half a stack of linen cloth, actually.

No Bueno, troll.

Then remove ring runes …for diversity… you can’t have it both ways


just a hunch, but i feel like alliance players - paladins specifically - would be the first to come around here and cry about losing ring runes if they were to do something like that XD

like, sure you’d see the warriors and the odd shaman, hunter and mage crying too, but paladins are pretty infamous for being the biggest crybaby players in all of SOD.

We can discuss the differences in racial abilities here until we’re blue in the face. But the statistics speak for themselves. All pvp players are Horde, right up until Wotlk. Then - Alliance. All pve ppl - ally, because paladins.
PS: Shadowmelt in vanilla is an absolute piece of sh*t, yeah.

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If ally is going to get hardiness I want stoneform in return.

Horde would get Hardiness too, namely your troll mage could have it too. Or you can have a troll hunter with 5% pet damage extra. Or undead priest with extra spirit.

That’s actually the point here.

And it would balance the game out much more then it is now! We embarked on this path by giving Fear Ward to humans, night elves, undead and trolls and giving weapon proficiency to everyone, so why not add NON-RACE AND LORE SPECIFIC ACTIVE abilities to everyone, but with just 1 slow, neck, instead of rings, which has two slots.

And Zmug, stop schizo posting and presuming what people mean and what they want.
Either you think that Horde stuff is OP and don’t wanna share it or, as you say in other posts you think it’s not OP at which point give everything passive to everyone. Your priest can now have 5% more dmg from homonculi, or 5% spirit or 25% stun resist.

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No horde passive racials are bis while alliance active racials are bis, so it would only be fair to exchange them both. Otherwise we have to give away our good racials while ally is keeping theirs.

I wouldn’t mind that actually

I wouldn’t mind that either. Maybe it will come in steps of passives, then active, but overall, I’m all for it!

no bueno.
your suggestion is terrible and you should feel terrible for suggesting it without a hint of shame or irony.

i’ve already explained - in depth - why that is the case.

if you want our good racials, we want your good racials.
you can keep your garbage passives.

If it is passives only then the next level of crying will be “why are there so many undeads with hardiness :sob:”

For “real” balance it should be active or passive ability of choice but only from the opposite faction. Stacking of 2 good racials from the same faction will lead to even more crying in the end.

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