Neck rune, round #2! Correcting ring runes and priest racials

Last week I suggested we introduce neck rune that can have all passive racial effects on itself.

A few people really went up in arms and were against it!
Arguments were that alliance already got a lot with Shadow ward, the troll priest rune, which is allegedly OP.

I have a proposition then. To retreat, pull back and adjust:
Ring runes to only allow for skill to be added from the skill passives on your faction, so Horde gets Axes and Bows, alliance gets Guns, Maces and Swords. This way the lore arguments stand.
Following that, make priests racials faction locked. So humans, dwarves and nelves get Desperate Prayer, Fear Ward and Starshards while horde gets DPlagua and SWard. This keeps the flavour between factions and is a lot more balanced.

Let’s see how this proposition goes :^)

Leave faction diversity ALONE! /thread

If you’ve read what I wrote, I am suggesting stuff AGAINST homogenization, pushing for more faction diversity.

Please read :^)

nah you’re just trying to keep the nice stuff (such as fear ward, which is pogchamp on ony) out of horde hands.

its obvious you’re just trying to fish for an advantage both in your first thread, and in this one.

your blatant attempt at snatching hardiness in return for LITERALLY NOTHING says as much.

This is literally what I was waiting for! When I said horde got amazing stuff via rings and priest racial, you, Potatomilk, said it’s not true, that it’s balanced and that alliance got Shadow Ward that can stun :^)

Now you literally come to this thread and say the same thing that I said because it suits you!

fear ward is great for ony, shadow ward is great in pvp for any shadow priest.

this not true?

in no way am i saying anything remotely close to what you said.
i honestly don’t care if they revert the weapon skill racials and make them faction specific.

priest racials, however, are a different topic, and personally i don’t care that much.
onyxia would simply go back to being RNG based for horde as we’d no longer have fear ward.
that is the only difference it would make.
so by that token, it seems like you just want to sour things up for horde players, for whatever reason.
you might wanna think twice though, because you’d be nerfing your shadow priests in the process when it comes to pvp.

like… you mock the idea that shadowguard is pogchamp in pvp, but have you ever played as a rogue and opened on a troll shadowpriest only to self-stunlock because of this racial?
you clearly haven’t.

By this token, you only want things which benefit Horde, that’s why you have a spazz out fights with Wave with both of you contributing zero to the board/forum and just disrupt conversation.

So, since the choice you make shouldn’t be a role/spec/what not defining one, as we had with priests and weapon skill, lets share all other passives, on the neck.

Actives can wait cause cannibal elves, berzerking gnomes, shadowmelding cows or stoneforming undead are a bit too far for lore and knowledge what you’re playing against. :slight_smile:

:poop: You already got Windfury, Might of Stormwind, Horn of Lordaeon, Tremor totem, Stormstrike etc…

Horde got a ringrune (like you also got) and fearward. Thats it.
Where is our blessings? Devotion auras? Cons aura? Aura mastery?.. List is long.

Stop this bs and play the game as it is. Or reroll if it hurts you that much.

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You also got WF, now raid wide from a feral. You also got Spirit of the Alpha? Did you forget about that. Might doesn’t stack with Horn, you already had better
Wisdom, Mana Spring totem
Salv, you got something better
You are missing Blessing of Light, but I’d give you that if we could get AoE poison and disease removal in a heartbeat.

You got Fear Ward, ringrunes on top of it all.

But again, I’m not talking about haggling and bargaining. That is the context which Zmug pushes.

My point is that these issues can be resolved by removing barriers and differences, as we’ve been doing in SoD and I suggested the next logical step.

Introducing all racial passives as enchants on neck, without ability to double benefit from it.

It’s been done with ring runes, and priest racial abilities. It’s presently a source of disbalance and hopefully, if PTR sims are right will be really important to locks and hunters that might push hard for it!

from the start i asked you to be fair about it if you’re gonna suggest giving faction racials to the other side.

you failed in this task, elf.

you really went and said “we want hardiness, and in return you can have human spirit and wisp” unironically.
like get lost man.


We already had WF.
Horn is superior for any class over Might you troll.
Mana spring totem is total :poop: not even close to Wisdom.
Spirit of Alpha and Salv is pretty much same thing, learn math. Only issue is Heal shamans cannot use it.

Only thing we got IS Fearward, you also got ring runes you troll.

No thanks , i like race diversity, they already damaged it with fear ward and ring runes/ feral wf no need to dmg it further.

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