Necrolord destro ftw. Pumping hard in Torghast

Necrolord is fun in Torghast Twisting Corridors. :smiley:

Let’s see what I can manage tomorrow.

Safe to say that Twisting Corridors is absolutely crazy as destro. My VW deals 10k - 12k hits on each target with each consume shadows, and with the amount of haste I can generate he can spam it 2-3 times PER SECOND. Crazy AE dmg ensues.

Here are the powers that enabled it btw:

Among others, like primary stat increases as well.

Idk, I did the layer 1 for the quest and my felguard ended up with 1,5 million hp. Felt pretty good tbh. Other than that, its the same old same old. Pity we can’t take those buff demons out of thorgast:P

Last boss on layer 4, I finished at 199k DPS as demo XD Felstorm did 1.5M damage on its own haha.

Sigh…haven’t you people learned anything!? When there’s something that benefits warlocks you KEEP IT TO YOURSELF!

Obviously Blizzard are no fans of locks, so anytime there’s something that makes us happy they nerf it immediately.

They just put a cap on the HP buff per floor so you won’t be seeing 1.5 million hp anymore.

Too bad its garbage outside Torghast.


Last layer was quite tough, let me tell ya. Even with the super blueberry. Was unfortunate and didn’t get enough sustained dmg along the way, so it took me 3 hrs to clear layer 8. Mobs at the 17th floor had the following HP:

Mawrats 100k, Skeletal Spookbois: 200k, normal non-elite between 300k and 400k, Elites between 1.2M to 2.5M, Rares between 3M to 4M, and the end boss which is irrelevant for locks but nontheless: 10M HP.

And mobs hit hard, really hard. Never ever take a hit without unending up and 50% dam reduction after circle/gate. You will be oneshot.

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