Necrotic Wake Surgeon Stitchflesh is bugged and hooks pets

The 3rd boss in Necrotic Wake, Surgeon Stitchflesh is bugged. The hook mechanic can hit objects it shouldn’t aka anything other than players, The boss and the Stitchflesh’s Creation. Just had a +9 be wiped due to the fact that the hook hit the affix and the rest of the attempts it hit PETS!!! So after 10 wipes and never getting the boss down due to the hook never even being drawn on screen due to hitting the pets instantly.

Please fix this I know you like creating hate and ill will among the player base with bad class balance and design etc.

But this feels a bit over the line. I know I won’t bring a single spec that has a pet inside of that dungeon now as I know it will 100% easy repo bug out the 3rd boss of Necrotic Wake Surgeon Stitchflesh’s Hook mechanic.

Thank you.


The only issue I see here are guardians, which you cannot control. You can re-call your pets (I know I did it in SL when it was current) and you can control/position the affix.

Current affix yes. Last affix with the orbs much less.

This likely guardian pets, DK pets from unholy spec and possible monk Mistweaver summons.

So not things we can control if I am not mistaken.

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They fixed the orbs, and pets always attack from behind the boss so unless the tank’s doing something weird they shouldn’t be in the way. Still should fix it as a failsafe regardless but it can be mitigated.

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If that is true that is sad and should be changed yes. PUGs will have issues with that likely won’t even figure it out why they get stuck on this.

Easy to fix if they get to know it or figures it out but till then to actually see and figure out the connection will be horrid.

Either way it’s a thing that should be fixed, it limits the playability of a class. It’s a very thight dps fight and hunters shouldn’t be forced to take away their pets. As a shaman a can wait before summoning wolves, but in can’t be worried everytime the boss moves. Also i have to use the elemental to relieve the healer a bit

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