Need a few questions answered about AD

I know! I have no idea :weary:

I mean, yes, of course! :sweat_smile:

I forgive you your sins, young Gannash. Welcome to the best RP server going

There are big public hubs (more-so on Alliance) but I think having a good, active + thematic guild for your concept is always good for consistent

It fits into your playstyle to any extent you want, really - though 99% of people won’t bother being IC during instanced content (dungeons, bgs, etc). Just don’t OOC in spatial channels (/say, /yell, /emote) and you will be cool really

Usually both as out of character channels

Depends on the guild. Some RP guilds certainly enforce a minimum level of activity but it usually isn’t super harsh - just attending an event a week or w/e


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