Need a weapon vendor

As title.

The wowhead article here lays out the case:

There are 250 weapons that can only drop randomly for a class which can use them.

This means if you’re a completionist, you need to roll 3-4 characters to farm: zones drops, LFR, Normal, Heroic and Mythic raids to collect them all. If you just want some specific tints you still have to farm until they drop.

It’s a time-limited event, afterwhich they will presumably be lost forever.
It’s a bit weird that in a mode where we can collect “everything”, there were this many RNG items added.
It’s a bit weird that on the cusp of TWW, with its warbands & acc-wide farming, there are 250 class-locked weapons in Remix.

Add a vendor, let us spend bronze to get them. I don’t even care if they cost 5k each, just please let me target the ones I want/don’t have.


I second this

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Have a bump to keep this on top

39 days to go and there’s still no way to target these items.

Blizzard, don’t let this event end without allowing us to collect these.

Overall I absolutely agree, but I do have objections (just nitpicky details, no real objections).

Either way I do expect Timerunning (I’m really hoping this is a test run so I can get real hyped for a Burning Crusade one) to be integrated into Timewalking in some form. Similarly to how some things with Cataclysm worked and got added to the respective places. With how many different things and ways there are to get stuff, I also presume there will be another simplified way similar to how warbands now come into the game. I have more thoughts but, this is not the time and place. (like, I don’t have Dragonflight but their alternate timeline stuff/rewards is something I wish I could get my hands on). Though, speaking of which, The Caverns of Time are way overdue for an overhaul. Or at least new stuff.

One particular thing I want to object to, is the completionist stuff. Completionists are prepared to go through all of this on 3-4 characters. They also know for weapons and off-hands, you only need a warrior and a caster for wands. Personally I just started my second character for leather stuffs, though I’m still getting one or the other new transmog on my mage to this day.

Something they should have been clearer about is rarer stuff. I for one was hoping I could get the dumb Timeless Isle PVP stuff for bronze, or even at least Mannoroth bones. TS for me though. There are also various unique or reintroduced items you can currently (to my knowledge) not get, like this bad boy:

You’re wrong RE: completionists.

You also afaik need a Hunter because bows can’t drop for Warriors (except maybe the world content ones)

You need 1 warrior for all the 2H, 1H and shields
1 caster that can use wands + daggers
1 hunter for bows + guns

I think it’s an excessive amount of time + luck for what the event is supposed to be.

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We do need this idk why was not implemented at first place when panda remix started,


Exactly that, should of been in from the start. Its lazy of Blizzard imho there is no other excuse …

… wish they would do something so as to stop the Trove Tally addon whispering me all the time in the raids telling me that x person has [insert any non Hunter item] and ask them for it - no I bloomin well won’t! :flushed:

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Can’t say for modern current content or Remix here now but running dungeons/raids/anything in terms of “legacy” content/loot rules drops all the things for my warrior (on live/retail). Haven’t tested it but you’re probably right, though it is kinda redundant because you need one for each armor class anyway, only gets “worse” if you pick a non hunter for mail that way then. Which is good to keep in mind for myself because I initially wanted a Shaman for mail, at least plate is still safe bc I wanted a Paladin, they get maces anyway.

I’m guessing they didn’t implement a weapon/regular armor merchant because there is already so much stuff you can buy for bronze, and if people accidentally spent all their bronze on other stuff because they lost track or something we’d get their complaints on here. Only having most of the “premium” stuff is keeping it slightly simpler. I mean you already have enough stuff to buy, I haven’t bought all I can yet but I think we have to keep more casual people in mind who don’t play just as much. If I were playing even less than I am I would be pretty disappounted by all the stuff I could theoreticall buy but not afford…it would also be making things a little too easy I think, presenting it all on a silver (well bronze) platter.

+1 dh for glaives,personally as completionist I hate this level of rng on time limited event and what’s worse we can’t get weapons from mop scenarios as we did with other items

YOOO Blizzard where is the weapon vendor at?! Come on now…

My sub ends tomorrow… turned auto renew off because nothing to do… wink wink nudge nudge… Weapon cough Vendor…

ehh :slight_smile:

Hit the bronze cap yesterday and is now leaving corpses everywhere that doesnt despawn for a long time as im unable to loot more bronze, didint get a single transmog drop on over 12 hours farming. Missing loads of zone drops and LFR drops. Add the weapons to a vendor already or at the very least add them to the modern mop loot tables so people can get the things even after event ends.