Need command opposite to !spell

hello guys, i need help
anyone knows a command opposite to ‘’!spell’’ ?
i need a macro that if i m already in def stance, it will leave it, and if i m not in def, stays out

for example

/cast [nomod] !Defensive Stance
/equipslot [nomod]16 1hand
/equipslot [nomod]17 shiels
/equipslot [mod:alt]16 2hand
/cast Shield Block

here if i m out of dstance, it goes in, equip sword and shield, and next cast shield block

with ‘alt’ i would like to go back to 2hand sword, and out of def stance

is it possible?

/cast [noform:#] stance_you_want_to_be_in
with the # being that of the stance you want to be in.

ty for the reply
but sadly in retail, war stances aren’t taken as stances, but more like a buff
so ‘noform’ is always wrong

Then you’re after
/cancelaura Defensive Stance

ty again for your reply
sadly not, i m not after it, that s bc you can t leave def stance by rightclick it (that s bc if otherwise, the 6s cd on that spell would be bypassed by the macro)

Yeah ok. I hopped on my Warr and it looks like you’re SOL.

Traditionally with abilities like this you’d be able to clear them with /cancelaura or /cancelform; that does not appear to be available in this case. There is no equivalent of the secure ability toggle on (prefixing with !) for the off setting that I’ve ever heard of.

Other threads on the topic from when the talent was introduced seem to concur.

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