What I mean is that in the story and the lore, Shaman are almost god-like heroes who seem to be more suited in preventing the end of the world than out helping locals.
I love the shaman theme but I am very much drawn to the adventurer making my way through the world style of story rather than being summoned to ride on the back of an Aspect (I know this is the nature of the game). I feel like warriors, mage, warlocks etc are good at that as I envision them as cloaked wanderers out and about etc. Shaman aren’t exactly… subtle?
I was hoping for inspiration on how you’d make that fit. I just can’t see a shaman going out and hunting for treasure (transmog) and so on. I guess I want help on justifying my humbleness as a shaman. Out adventuring, helping people in need (town quests) and so on.
There are a lot of ideas out there in terms of what your character’s motivation or intentions could be, but I have one (of many) possibilities here: your character doesn’t know.
Shaman frequently commune with elementals and spirits and the like. You could always RP your shaman as being guided by forces beyond his understanding to venture out and help random local people; that would allow you to join in the same realistically grounded, down-to-earth (or down-to-Azeroth) stories which you refer to when writing about the warriors/mages/warlocks.
Nope. That’s just Thrall and the Earthen Ring. A shaman, like a druid, has a unique relationship with the living world and should be some of the most motivated wanderers and adventurers, well aware of the utility of their ability.
They know the life all around them and shamans especially operate on humility. They aren’t specifically trained from the start but chosen individuals deemed worthy of their charge and continuously appeal to the world around them to aid in a given task. All of their power is dependant on this respectful cooperation.
Expecting too much, making demands and forcing dominance on the elements is a good way to lose your power. There are exceptions but typically that’s the way of dark shamans and the twilight’s hammer.
Not every shaman cracks the sky open to shatter armies. They’re your village witch doctors and clan wise woman as often as they’re totemic warriors of the spirit world. If you want a humble role for your shaman, go ahead.