Need help with a hunter makro

Hello there.

My goal with the makro is to always use Flanking Strike first and use Raptor Strike afterwards immediately for obvious reasons.

My makro is
/use Flanking Strinke
/use Raptor Strike

but it only works like 70%? of the time. Is there any way to delay the autoattack so my Raptor Strike comes always second?


edit: what is the slowest attack pet for a hunter?

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/castsequence reset=2/combat Flanking Strike, Raptor Strike

Maybe something like this will work for you.

If I understood ur intentions correctly.

problem with that macro is, that the autoattack will go off and i need to wait for the next autoattack to apply raptor strike

little edit:
it does not have to be a 2 in 1 macro, I just need to cancel the auto that follows Flanking Strike

There is no way to delay or wait for auto attack, the only available commands for auto attacks are :


U can experiment with them like this:

/cast Flanking Strike
/cast Raptor Strike

Or 2 different macros:

/cast Flanking Strike

/cast Raptor Strike

Or maybe like this:

/cast Flanking Strike

/cast Raptor Strike

I don’t have a hunter to experiment unfortunately.

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First of all. Thank you for the help

But I think i tried every start/stopattack possibility

Then that’s all u can do.

problem is that your AA starts on any ability cast, so as soon as you cast FS your AA goes off there is no way to stop it at that point.

there was a macro for this, but I don’t remember if it ever worked 100% and I think it got broken now.

You cannot use any kind of pause in a macro and what you want to do needs one, so it’s impossible. You can only use /castsequence

how to make makro on Concussive Shot and Wing Clip
if dictance 8-41 Concussive Shot and if mele Wing Clip
/cast Concussive Shot
/cast Wing Clip
didnt work

You can’t do that.

#showtooltip Flanking Strike
/cast [@target] Flanking Strike
/cast !Raptor Strike

Might happen that your auto delays Raptor, in that case press it again.
Only other option is to have two keys for them.

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If he has GCD, while hitting that macro, a raptor strike can land first. I think that is the problem. Personally, I have raptor with mongoose and flanking separately.

Also when the first spell fails it will stop the macro and not go onto the next one.

FS macrowith no white hit:
#showtooltip Flanking Strike
/cast [@target,harm,nodead][harm,nodead] flanking strike

Apparently this works:

#showtooltip Raptor Strike
/cleartarget [dead][help]
/cast [@target] Flanking Strike
/cast Raptor Strike

I think it will be the same if he is hitting that macro while still on GCD; an autoattack can land with Raptor Strike. Raptor Strike will start an autoattack if he has mana anytime. I don’t know if it is solveable via macro. Maybe be careful when you hit it, but it is hard to do in a battle rush. But it is only my theory. I am not macro master.

/cast [@target] Flanking Strike
/cast !Raptor Strike

This one is the best one

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