Need help with Aimed Shot and Wailing Arrow

I have just got into using Macros and one I was told to use was the following:

/cast [nochanneling:rapid fire] Aimed Shot

However, whenever it becomes Wailing Arrow, it doesn’t change over to the correct icon.

Is this an issue with the Macro? And if it is, is it possible to change the Macro in order to show the correct Icon when needed please?

I’ve had a look around on Google and I can’t find anything.

It’s working fine on my hunter. Make sure you have the ? selected for the icon. I’m guessing you had the icon manually set because of the channeling condition. This version will fix that:

/stopmacro [channeling:Rapid Fire]
/cast Aimed Shot
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Ah! Yes, that sounds like it could be the issue.

It would’ve helped if I actually checked what “#showtooltip” did as well, as that would’ve told me the issue I was having.

I spent ages as well making sure I had the right icons… now I gotta go and change them all to ? :')

Thank you for your help!

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