So I have a huge dilemma in my grey matter, and I can’t choose for the love of God which class to do this character idea. So I’d like to ask the people of Argent Dawn, what do you think would better fit a fallen angel (thinking about Tyrael in Diablo 3 after falling from the High Heavens): warrior or paladin?
The whole character concept is basically an angel, who ferries dead souls to the afterlife, let someone steal a soul that was her responsibility, and that soul died before anyone could’ve retrieved it. So she is being punished and sent to the Mortal realm until she finds a way to ascend again and gain her job back as an angel.
I’ll be honest, I’m not sure the concept works in the lore and with other players in general. For instance, WoW angels don’t exist, at least I don’t think. There’s Shadowlands things, but that’s all an entire mess of lore which yes, is used and can be used, but… Most people tend to shove it under the carpet. It was the Arbiter who judged souls on where they go when they turned up. As for how they got there, I forget/I’m not sure. All that and also the denizens of the Shadowlands remain in the afterlife.
I’m sure there’s more concepts out there that could be fun!
It was the Kyrians who ferried the souls to the Arbiter I think, if I remember correctly… I’m rewriting the whole shebang (cosmos included), this means “Shadowlands” for me is kind of having the souls to be purified, then they ascend to the “Emerald Dream” where they are being reshaped and then sent back to the Mortal realm (kind of a cycle) so these beings ferry these souls between realms, etc.
Thanks for the feedback though, I’ll think about it what would be the best for her.
I have to agree with Vaxir, and doubly so if you’re having to re-write a chunk of canon (as much as I utterly despise it…) to try and cram the concept in.
Not to say it’s impossible, but remember that if you’re RPing (leastways, I assume that’s the goal?) the concept also has to be able to survive contact with your fellow players, and how often will you have to explain the concept in depth for it to ‘make sense’ to people?
What I recommend is transitioning the concept, idea and the sentimental part of this to a more down to earth character which fits among the playable races.
Since as Vaxir said, those stuff are not used often and most RPers from what I have seen literally shove Shadowlands aside.
As for the concept, Angels specifically are not said to be there, you have the Kyrian and you have the Guardians of the Ancient Kings which are ambiguous beings whom Paladins call on. Playing as one is not something doable but you can have the aesthetics and vibes of one which I personally do too.
Personally being someone who really likes Tyrael from Diablo (though I liked him more as archangel) I recommend having your character being someone whom has fallen from something, like a place they were at, but for a good cause and now linger to thrive in spite of that.
A High Elf, given that they are exiles from Quel’thalas and they defied the mana drain, fel and similar stuff of Blood Elves can fit that criteria and you can use a void elf warrior as a Paladin.
Hope the suggestions help! Good luck and have fun!
I don’t see that concept fitting well at all in its current state.
Rewriting the lore so it revolves around this character usually can end poorly. While your character could hold the belief, which is fine, that souls go to the Shadowlands then the Emerald Dream in a cycle, it must be clear that this is your character’s belief and not you rewriting lore entirely.
A simple concept that can draw inspiration from this can be:
A warrior who is seeking to overcome the horrors of war they suffer by seeking out graveyards and making sure they are maintained, honoured and respected. Honoring the fallen so that ‘They can rest now’ and hopefully, put the ghosts of the past to rest so they too can move on with the cycle you believe they are destined for.
They can specialize in dealing with undead and ghosts, which are often found in old battlefields, helping them rest, but ultimately, they feel as if they are plagued by ALL ghosts because of the war, and will not rest until they can first.
Many ghosts out there need help. And this can give your character a motive, a goal, and a story.